TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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Slayer Ready for Hell!

Spectrum's picture

Fantástic band choices, love to see that Icon badge, their 2 first albums rules

invisible-horizons's picture

Thanks man! I tried to keep it varied this time. Those two albums are some my favorites of melodic hard rock/heavy metal.

Matthew Hopkins's picture

I'm looking for Trouble patches, is that official?

invisible-horizons's picture

I don’t think it is.


In serious awe of that Razor, wow

invisible-horizons's picture

Cheers dude!

Deathtattooguy's picture

Fuck yeah!!

invisible-horizons's picture


TheSlayers Slayer's picture

Love how your vest looks man 🔥,
And it motivates me to continue my black vest that have the same backpatch on it :)

invisible-horizons's picture

Killer man! Thank you!

Demolition_hell_hammer's picture

Killer vest man! Such amazing bands

invisible-horizons's picture

I appreciate it. Thanks!

no karate in pit's picture

that def leppard pin is sweet

invisible-horizons's picture

On Through the Night… their best!

no karate in pit's picture

id say pyromania but on through the night is also sweet

fauzan big's picture

Awesome!! Really nice layout and bands selection

invisible-horizons's picture

Thanks bud!

Rebb's picture

That overkill patch is fucking class!!

invisible-horizons's picture

Cheers dude! \m/

Southern Rocker's picture

Great vest man, old school.

invisible-horizons's picture

Thanks a lot! I spent quite a bit of time putting this one together.

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