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Slayer Kutte - Toxic Holocaust backpatch (FINISHED!!!)

Tue, 25/12/2012 - 14:26

Finished kutte, finally, after 5 years. (15.09.2014.). I thought I wouldn't modify it anymore, but I included some of the new patches here. Originally kutte was finished on 25.12. 2012. but then I bought Sadus, Attomica and Agent Steel and had to put them here.

EDIT: a small addition, Hereza patch added on 13th of October 2019, this was a final modification.

Not for sale or trade
Slayer Kutte - Toxic Holocaust backpatch (FINISHED!!!)
Slayer Kutte - Toxic Holocaust backpatch (FINISHED!!!)

IronMason's picture

Awesome. I really like that British steel patch.

pathora's picture

Looks great. I really love that Sacrifice patch, and the Toxic Holocaust back patch looks awesome

Croby's picture

thanks :D

Rotten's picture

Looks good dude \m/

Croby's picture

thanks, it means a lot to me, the time and the effort put into creation of this kutte was enormous, now it's finally done! :D

nightslasher26's picture

BP jebe mame! i legion of the damned i messiah su cult!odlična jakna! se ide na burning sea!

Croby's picture

pa da planiram na burning sea, samo trebam lovu ušparat :D

slaytanic1's picture

killer patch selection, nicely done!!

Croby's picture

thank you, sir! :D

Freyjawulf's picture

Love that backpatch!

Croby's picture

thank you! ;)

Speed or Bleed's picture

The Satan patch rules!

satanachist's picture

jako lijepo, pogotovo ledni Toxic Holocaust, ali najvise od svega mi se svida Fuck Off, planiram si i ja taj nabaviti, al jos i dalje ne vjerujem kako to nigde u svijetu nema za kupit, al kod nas, u stressu ima :D

Croby's picture

hahahahaha, da da, kladim se da tamo u stressu nisu ni svjesni da se radi o logou doticnog benda hahaha :D I hvala na komentaru :)

satanachist's picture

da, to si i ja mislim haha :D

NinnyHonestLiar's picture

Prejebena jaketa!! Vidim da je ovi Anthrax patch extra mali :P Super mi je šta ima raznih stilova ovdi ne samo thrash :)

Croby's picture

a da, mali je, samo radi Fistful Of Metal su dobili mjesto na vesti hahaha :D Stavit cu ipak jos Agent Steel, Sadus i Attomicu gore, nac ce se mjesta :D

NinnyHonestLiar's picture

hahahah, nikad dosta patcheva :D

Croby's picture

tako je! :D

oelrikke's picture

suffocation imamo istu :) super!

Croby's picture

Samo Suffocation? :)

BerachMalina96's picture

NadimaČ B)

Croby's picture

Mali, al pali! xD Dobro si me sjetio, nisam battlejacket obukao vec sto godina, a bome ni NadimaČ nisam vrtio isto toliko, moram popraviti tu činjenicu! :D

BerachMalina96's picture

Ehee dabomee, 111

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