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Sui on
It's fixed now I think
NonameXYZ on
It happened to me too.
I am Italian and I live in Italy, but now I have the flag of India. With absolute respect to Indian friends, I would like the Italian one again. Can I ask you how did you manage to solve the problem? (sorry for my terrible English)
Sui on
Hey man just make a post about it and I'm sure you'll get some help. I got help from doctor death. :)
NonameXYZ on
Thank you very much
doctordeath on
One bonus for patreon supporters is that they can request the flag to be set to whatever they like permanently, the TSS server is paid for by the patreon supporters and we would not exist without them (this site would not exist), goto and thanks for your support!
VoodooChild on
Speaking of flags. I always wondered what that very thin/flat Romanian flag was. Some users have it. About 10% of our flags and it's the same colours as the Romanian flag.
Just wondering.
doctordeath on
yeah probably lots of VPN usage out there
Rotten69 on
Same here, I'm from Spain and I have USA flag since a long time. I thought it would change but never happened...
doctordeath on
One bonus for patreon supporters is that they can request the flag to be set to whatever they like permanently, the TSS server is paid for by the patreon supporters and we would not exist without them (this site would not exist), goto and thanks for your support!
mountain6king on
Hi again , i'm from Romania and again my flag is the Bulgarian one , please fix , thanks !
OldRockAlchemy on
My flag changes often. Can i keep it sweden where i live i be thankfull.
ulfheimgard on
Hello Doc! My flag changed (even not using a VPN). Is possible to set the Spanish flag, please? Thank you very much in advance!
doctordeath on
you are now from spain!
ThrashAndAnarchy on
Guess I'm next in the queue. Alaskan (American) but I guess they gave me a Ukranian flag [comment redacted]. Why doesn't the flag run off either a separate selection or at least the time zone selection?
doctordeath on
hey - yeah its a good idea, I have it locked to IP because its saved us MANY times from scammers, we can atleast see if they come from the same area, funnily enough most scammers arent very technically skilled (or they would probably have a real job).. so i'm not sure what todo, its kind of a balance between security/scammers, the occasional wrong flag etc... unsure
Painthings on
I am from Denmark but my flag is Polish - How do I change it?
Theoldnorse on
Looks like my flag got switched from USA to Sweden. Please lock me in for US. Cheers!
Darklord on
Are you using a VPN? That could do it.
jinjaben on
For some reason I have an American flag instead of a Swedish one. Is it possible to have it switched to the right one? It confuses people I'm about to sell/buy/trade with. Maybe I could trade flags with Theoldnorse? 😆
FeelTheFire666 on
My flag always changes to america... i am german
doctordeath on
One bonus for patreon supporters is that they can request the flag to be set to whatever they like permanently, the TSS server is paid for by the patreon supporters and we would not exist without them (this site would not exist), goto and thanks for your support!
restless_oblivion on
Hello, same VPN problem here! I am Greek but the flag display is Austrian. Can it please be changed permanently into the Greek flag? Thanks!
I have also uploaded some shirts which do not appear on my profile every time i log out (maybe the VPN problem?). Any idea how to fix this?
doctordeath on
I set your flag according to your request not by your VPN IP, thanks again!!
amateurautopsy on
Do I need to have supporter to get my flag changed? It's changed to Romania even though I am Finnish and don't believe I've used a VPN here.
doctordeath on
One bonus for patreon supporters is that they can request the flag to be set to whatever they like permanently, the TSS server is paid for by the patreon supporters and we would not exist without them (this site would not exist), goto and thanks for your support!
Beer.Browser on
I guess I'll just use this thread haha, I am not from Sweden, I am from USA
NorthernSky on
Hi, can someone change my flag to the UK, it's showing as USA... thanks :)
doctordeath on
One bonus for patreon supporters is that they can request the flag to be set to whatever they like permanently, the TSS server is paid for by the patreon supporters and we would not exist without them (this site would not exist), goto and thanks for your support!
kampfkoloss on
Same issue here… Flag changed from UK to India, would love for it to be changed back :D
doctordeath on
looks like its back to UK
Since sending a message didn't work, let's try here: I need my flag changed from 'Murica to Finland, please.
doctordeath on
Looks like its back to finnnnland
The "little flag" is fine, but the large one on my page is still US of A!
Valente Imortal on
Hey doctordeath! My flag changed to USA. Could you change it back to Portugal and lock it? Thanks
doctordeath on
One bonus for patreon supporters is that they can request the flag to be set to whatever they like permanently, the TSS server is paid for by the patreon supporters and we would not exist without them (this site would not exist), goto and thanks for your support!
Agrunge hippie ... on
Yo doc can you change mine as well I like Ukrainians and All but I represent my Bulgarian heritage with pride
doctordeath on
One bonus for patreon supporters is that they can request the flag to be set to whatever they like permanently, the TSS server is paid for by the patreon supporters and we would not exist without them (this site would not exist), goto and thanks for your support!
CountWurdulak on
Hey Doctor I would like my Canadian flag back !
Thanks for your time
Cheers and peace !