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Queen My battle vest Completed

deathchains's picture

Never thought I'd see the day when napalm death would be on the same vest as prince and Pat benatar

icedragon1415's picture

Well you do now lol.

icedragon1415's picture

Tho i will admit when i did my jackets etc. i went abc order so thats why.

SatanicGutsFuck's picture


Cosmoblaze's picture

To each their own on how they want their patch layout.
Can't go wrong with Pretenders and Peter Frampton though.

icedragon1415's picture

No you cannot 2 great bands love them both.

Nater90's picture

Full flames for putting your guilty pleasures on there!

Fuck the haters, You're passionate and I greatly respect that, I've got a Rick Astley patch to go on one of my kuttes!

icedragon1415's picture

Thats awesome and thank you.

Nater90's picture

Most welcome, Cheers!

DerpTheDevil's picture

Awesome vest man, got some great bands! From prince all the way to napalm death haha

icedragon1415's picture

Thank you very much

Iron Animal's picture

sorry, but this is one of the worst vests i´ve seen so far. and i´ve seen many.

not even the vest itself looks good

icedragon1415's picture

Im sorry but i like it you can do whatever you want to your own vest. There is nothing wrong with it so have a good day.

VoodooChild's picture

Not a fan of how the back looks, but that's personal taste. To each their own and I do like the music on this

icedragon1415's picture

Yeah i like the back im putting more on it and thank you

VoodooChild's picture

Nice, looking forward to seeing it :)
Personally just a fan of Backpatches. But everyone doing the same thing can get boring right?

icedragon1415's picture

Thank you and i do like them but i want the room for more patches i dont want it to cover up the backpatch etc,

formezzano's picture

I don't get how this jacket is made,leather front and some other material on the back?

icedragon1415's picture

Its more of like a tux/suit kind of vest but why not its leather lol.

SatanicGutsFuck's picture

damn i tried being nice about this but this is one of the worsts vests i have ever seen, its mostly the layout but the vest itself isnt too great

icedragon1415's picture

Im sorry if your butthurt over my vest but its not for you its for me you can do whatever you want with your own jacket k thanks bye.

jeg86's picture

great vest.I dont really care for most of the bands but those patches look great and i always hated people whining about someones layout.This isnt a fashion show and who really cares if you dont like the layout.The jacket isnt for you.

icedragon1415's picture

Thank you and yes i completely agree.

Corvus Corax's picture

For the passion mate.

icedragon1415's picture

Thank yu

DarkValkyrieofDeath's picture

i like the combination of colors on it, also full flames for queensryche, interested in seeing updates

icedragon1415's picture

Thank you amd i will update it soon. Money doesnt grow on trees lol.

ThrashMetal1982's picture

Don't listen to the haters. You do you man! Full flames!

icedragon1415's picture

Thank you very much I appreciate the little things in life.

Ragastiy's picture

im not the fan of putting patches on the back,but everyone do their battle jacket how they want.
every battle jacket is unique.

icedragon1415's picture

Yes they are and thank you.

Unjustifiablexistence's picture

Unique design! Looks really cool

icedragon1415's picture

Thank you very much.

Old_moose_owl_hawk's picture

I love the variety! Thought I might be the only one with a Prince patch. Pretenders, Pat Benatar are a few of my favorites as well. Anyway, cool jacket! Cheers 🍻

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Recent Comments

  • Such a well rounded and polished game, story, design, and atmosphere wise.
  • Nice!
  • Yes it is. But looking for a while for that one
  • Cheers man.
  • BP FOR 50? fucking serious?
  • Nice!
  • Nice catch! I have the feeling most of these were sold in the US. I also have this one... Quite big, right? 😅
  • Seeing them tonight!
  • I've never seen the blue grape one. Definitely a rarity for sure
  • Yes I know well the original first one. I was wondering about this Blue Grape... thanks by the way.
  • Awesome!!
  • Definitely looks legit to me.
  • This is probably from 1999 since it just says Under license to blue grape. The original is 1997.
  • Definitely!! I couldn't believe that he handed it over like nothing.
  • Thanx, yeah, absolutely!
  • Thank you a lot!! Yes it is awesome!!