TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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Kadavar Bruce 2016

Goathammer's picture

While I see a couple patches I like, the majority of the bands aren't my taste, and I personally don't like it when people mix extreme metal and classic rock. And I will 3rd the objection to the Ghost patch, it throws the BP off.

Into Glory Ride's picture

Agreed on the mixing topic.

M3TLH3AD's picture

Wow. Looks like a lot of blood sweat and tears went into this. I'm not the biggest fan of all those bands either but I respect it.

satan's radish's picture

I think it looks pretty good, even though I don't like all the bands on it. Lots of petty complaints being posted here for some reason. *shrug*

ZAKRAT's picture

Great jacket dude, i do like the mixing of the styles of bands plus i like the layout and colours man, but i also would remove that ghost one fron the BP, just squeeze it in somewhere else :)

Nater90's picture

Like so many bands on here, I'm with Zakrat move the Ghost, Ruins the BPs epicness.

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