Darkthrone ### the beast ###
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Hungry_Mosher on
Dat Graveyard!! i need one >_<
ervo on
Cool Abigail patch, where did you find that one?
the beast on
some month ago at ebay ;)
maidenmad77 on
Not a massive fan of Led Zep but that is certainly cool what you did at the bottom! nice work man!
Loving the backpatch
the beast on
thanks alot! after seeing them in 2007, led zep deserved an altar like this!^^
vomitoxic on
where did you get that Gojira patch?
the beast on
from ebay. think it was an latvian seller
cambotero on
fuck yeah Alice In Chains and Pearl Jam! the most brutal in the Grunge!
creedsk8 on
Nice Kutte, lots of patches and still looks like a jacket, not everyone achives that effect. I like the chains to, most guys her in USA don't use them because security at shows will make us take them off, mostly at bigger venues though.
the beast on
in germany thereΒ΄s no problem with chains. even the spikes are almost everywhere allowed
the beast on
found the tri circles patch from bonham at planet13.com.au
Demolition_hell... on
Awesome patches and Backpatch!
kertalaaki on
Nice looking vest! Great BP!
MoreNecromansy on
Love the backpatch. An Axe Battler patch would be awesome.
MoreNecromansy on
Love the backpatch. An Axe Battler patch would be awesome.
Metal_Assassin666 on
Satanika patch is proof you have a true metal taste!