Slayer Battlevest
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Battleangels91 on
now that is a nice fucking jacket
RalleRavn on
Thanks. I think so too ;)
RalleRavn on
Nope. Only Wacken '08 and '09, though i wish I'd gotten one
RalleRavn on
I got it from Unforunately the site is shut down and inactive now.
LifeOfDeath on
Nice! I have same Summoning patch as you.
guitar_demon on
who gave this a 1, just for the backpatch it deserves more than that
Metal Militia
Really awesome jacket, full of great bands, i love the Obituary BP, plus the Possessed super strip, to name just a few...
sacredreichnumber1 on
not only do u have a sweet vest, but a pretty awesome quote for it too! :D
full metal jacket :DDD
Manu Toxik Waste on
wow really great jacket
Rover133 on
Manu Toxik Waste on
aqhexen on
I'm into that Marduk patch. Totally straight forward, but looks tough as hell! That Anthrax patch is rad too.
UgnetatöR on
Glen Benton in the circle's cool!..
guitar_demon on
the glen benton patch came with the ltd edition of the newest album, on top it says "glen benton for president"
Berz_Toxicdeath on
awesome sepultura, gorguts and gorgoroth patches on the front
cack on
You did a really great job on this. I like how it doesn't look sloppy.
RalleRavn on
Hehe. Thanks man!
It's gonna be updated soon with more patches. Stay tuned! ;)
kiwidamo on
Brutal stuff.
CryptKeeper on
Awesome Maiden Killers patch! I don't remember having seen this one before.
Rotten on
That Dissection patch is killer \m/
RalleRavn on
PowerThrashingDeath on
Killer Possessed patch!
originskullking on
Nice vest man and where did you get that killers patch sticking true to the real Iron Maiden.
RalleRavn on
Thanks man!
I got the Maiden patch from EMP. Not shure if they still have it though
eddiethehead666 on
if only i could go to wacken.... then my life would be complete.... ahhh, some day :)
Metaalharses on
you'd be done with 1500 dollars i think.. depending on the flight and you fixing someone to pick you up at the airport.
question would be where are you gonna get 1500 dollars.
you could sign on as a crewman onboard a ship thats heading to Hamburg..Wacken is only a couple of miles north from there.
eddiethehead666 on
is that a joke or could i actually do that?
Metaalharses on
Well it's a joke but... you could try.. I mean how are your foreign languages and sea legs..i mean you'll have to work aboard the ship... safe to say it's an adventure all on it's own right ?
eddiethehead666 on
for sure. i took two years of german, but i think i'll just go with saving up 1500 bucks. ha
Metaalharses on
good on ya mate, hope you make it
mountain6king on
fantastic jacket man,i love all patches
Hellkult on
Hadez,Expulser,Mutilator and Sepultura patch!!!!! Southamerican terrorrrr....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SacredTutor on
Congrats!! Only person on here with a Infinite Translation Patch, great french thrash.
RalleRavn on
HeavyTony on
killer vest mate!!! i've got the same summoning and Glen Benton for president patch, love that Marduk logo patch
what are your pins?
RalleRavn on
Thanks, man!
Some of my current pins aren't the same as on the pic since thet got moshed off at various concerts.
My current pins are: Master, Nortt, Holocausto, Root, Denial of God, Testament, Nuclear Assault, Iron Maiden, Equilibrium, Résistance and Deadbangers (a local zine/label).
young_metalhead97 on
What a lovely jacket!! But I don't know, it's kinda small. Hehe
Razmachine on
wow, awesome Manowar patch!
RalleRavn on
Update: This vest is no more. I've taken off all the patches wich will be placed on a new vest that fits me better. A new entry is to come
hope we see it soon
RIP sweet vest
RalleRavn on
It's in the works! Stay tuned ;)
doomy1 on
Cool vest dude, b.p is great
RalleRavn on
Thanks, man :)
and where da hell did you get that JÄGERMEISTER patch?
RalleRavn on
I peeled it off a Jägermeister cap which they sold at an event at a bar. I stole the cap though since i was drunk ;)