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Plague on
Jeepers Creepers.
gizter on
i remember renting those videotapes with my grandma back in the days. good old times :)
rusty74 on
this was a great movie
Nater90 on
Friday The 13th Series
A Nightmare On Elm Street Series
Halloween Series
The Ring Series (More thriller than horror though)
From Dusk Til Dawn
Der Todesking on
Maniac (original & remake)
Friday The 13th series
Der Todesking on
Evil Dead series, Planet Terror, & all of Rob Zombies movies too.
KevinReynolds1223 on
Childs play, Chlds Play 2, Bride of Chucky, Nightmare on Elm street, and texas chain saw massacre
Der Todesking on
The Exorcist, Trick 'r Treat (2007), Dawn- & Day of the Dead (both original), The Thing (1982)...
THMManiac on
I am so happy somebody asked this, Halloween from 1978 didn't even have to think about it.
Spectrum on
Sleepaway Camp trilogy
Claudandus on
Might not be strictly horror, but I have a huge sift spot for exploitation films.
Cannibal Holocaust
I Spit on Your Grave(original)
Men Behind the Sun
etc etc
rusty74 on
The Exorcist
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original)
The Strangers
The Burning
i enjoyed the whole Saw series as well, though not really horror.
Nater90 on
I enjoyed the Saw series also.
Some of it was funny as fuck, I even thought of my own devices....
rusty74 on
i think the torture traps were pretty amazing in all the movies, i can only image the twisted ones you have thought up mate.
Nater90 on
Indeed, I rather like them myself.
Cheesiest one was in Saw IV when the two ice blocks smashed the dudes head.
Haha, Yeah they are twisted and interesting mate! The brain is a marvellous thing.
Der Todesking on
My Bloody Valentine (original),
Ichi the Killer,
I Saw the Devil,
The Prowler (1981)...
I saw the devil is a great one!! And ichi is good too.
The thing
Brain dead a.k.a Dead alive
The beyond
Hellraiser 1&2
The fly (1986)
In the mouth of madness
Just to name a few.
gizter on
i still never watched Re-animator and The Fly.. don't know why..
Der Todesking on
Oh you have to. They're both classics! If you enjoy funny 80s horror with some neat gore, then Re-Animator & Bride of Re-Animator (Re-Animator #2) is your thing. David Cronenberg's The Fly (1986) is a serious, grotesque body-horror, a must-see imo. Cheers!
Metalmate on
Oh wait I was too quick to judge. Braindead is the best movie in the world.
PatchThePlanet on
Videodrome! Now there's a creepy ass movie, highly recommended
stefke on
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Original from 1974)
Hellraiser 1
Hellraiser 2
Hellraiser 3
The Masters Of Horror series (short films. modern horror movies made as a tribute to the 80's and 90's horror movies ^^)
stefke on
cigarette burns is for example one freaky and weird movie!
but they are so so sooo good!
gizter on
John Carpenter is lengendary. everything he did was gold. even his shitty movies are fucking amazing!! (They Live)
Darklord on
You're right about John Carpenter...EVERY time I am skimming channels and come across one of his movies I stop and watch from whatever point the movie is at. And amen bro THEY LIVE ! ??? a B-Movie Classic for sure.
Der Todesking on
Imprint is cool! Tales from the Crypt series is pretty neat too.
Demolition_hell... on
The Exorcist
BuriedUnderAFuc... on
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974 Fuck the remake.
Halloween 1978 And Halloween 2 1981 Fuck the remakes to...
Evil Dead series except the remake..
Friday The 13Th Part 4 The Final Chapter.
The Hills Have Eyes 2006 The Remake Funny Enough xD
A Nightmare on Elm Street 1984 The Remake can go fuck itself.
Ginger Snaps 2000 because i grew up on it.
An American Werewolf in London 1981 it was one of my first Horror Movies i ever watched.
My Bloody Valentine 1981 i just watched that for the first time and the movie was the shit i have seen the remake also.. and it sucked to me.
Bad Moon 1996 One Of The Best Werewolf Designs i have seen in a werewolf movie.
stefke on
somebody does not like remakes here! :-p
but i have to admit. most remakes of horror classics are just awful.
they don't have the same "magic" like the originals.
nightmare on elm street remake for example was just a disaster!
BuriedUnderAFuc... on
Well there are only a few remakes that i can tolerate like i said about The Hills Have Eyes 2006 which isnt boring to me like the original, the original just did not do it for me like the remake did.
And yes the Nightmare on Elm street remake was a complete fuck up together with the Chainsaw Massacre remake from 2003 but i enjoyed the prequel which came out 2006 The Beginning and yes i know the new Chainsaw Movie that came out from 2013 which is one of the dumbest if not the dumbest version of a Chainsaw movie yet... id rather wanna watch Chainsaw 2 instead even knowing that was a black comedy and not scary at all compaired to its original counterpart atleast the second original chainsaw was enjoyable compaired to Chainsaw 3D.
THMManiac on
haha yeah I have never even thought about attempting to watch the Texas chainsaw massacre that has Matthew Mcconaughey in it. Imo the only ones worth anybody's money are Texas chainsaw massacre (1974) and The Texas chainsaw massacre (2003). but that's just me.
Technically both The Thing and Alien are remakes and both are some of the best horror fims ever made, better then the originals, oh I also cant forget The Fly ofcourse.
Der Todesking on
TCM The Beginning isnt bad too. Worth a watch at least imo. But only the unrated / uncut version of course.
DeathRipper on
Evil Dead trilogy, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), An American Werewolf in London, The Wolfman, Frankenstein, Countess Dracula, The Hammer Horror Dracula movies, Dawn of the Dead (1978), The Howling 1 and 2.
gizter on
1. The Thing (1982)
2. Cannibal Holocuast
3. Evil Dead Trap
4. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
5. Martyrs (2008)
6. Hellraiser (1 and 2)
7. Jacob's Ladder
8. Dawn Of The Living Dead (1978)
9. The Beyond
10. Zombi 2
Der Todesking on
Martyrs was awesome!
gizter on
yeah, the only new horror movie worthy of beeing in my favorites!
Shit yeah, totally forgot martyrs that one was great! All those new extreme french horror movies are pretty good actually.
Der Todesking on
Yeah, agree. High Tension, Inside, Frontier(s), Them ....
imfan1975 on
Fucking love Jacobs Ladder love that psychological kind of feel it gave off
Cheezyname on
Does Office Space count as a horror movie?
No, but seriously Evil Dead series, The Cabin In The Woods and Alien
Der Todesking on
I was like 1000% sure you'd mention Evil Dead (cos of yer prof.pic)! "Groovy!" ;-)
Cheezyname on
Yeah, Evil Dead 2 is one of my all time favorite movies.
Der Todesking on
Same here! Love everything Evil Dead, incl. the remake & the tv-series!
R.J. on
The Shining
The Thing
The Exorcist
Under the Skin
Altered States
Beyond the Black Rainbow
Love altered states!
Metalmate on
I can't believe Braindead hasn't been mentioned yet ...
Der Todesking on
ZAKRAT mentioned it above. Awesome movie indeed, Bad Taste is great too.
Cheers dude ;-) bad taste is really cool too, have u seen the making off? Thats a interesting look at low budget diy film making.
Der Todesking on
I'll check it out. Cheers!
Sure thing mate :-)
Goathammer on
Dead Alive
Bad Taste
Night/Dawn/Day of the (living) dead
Evil Dead I, 2 and AOD
Trick 'r' Treat
People Under The Stairs
Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers
Return of the Living Dead
Black Christmas (1974)
Near Dark
Dellamorte Dellamore (Cemetery Man)
Dog Soldiers
Neon Maniacs
Street Trash
Silence of the Lambs
Tombs of the Blind Dead
All I watch basically is Horror movies.
rusty74 on
Dog Soldiers was an incredible movie
imfan1975 on
There was a really cool one from this year called The Witch definitely go see it if you haven't.
Der Todesking on
Haven't had the chance to view it yet, but heard a lotta good things about it. Can't wait to watch!
imfan1975 on
Some more I like:
The Thing
The Shining
Last House on the Left ( Original )
Fright Night
The Lost Boys
Texas Chainsaw Massacre ( Original )
28 Days Later
Night of the Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead
imfan1975 on
Ravenous anybody?
Der Todesking on
I liked it!
rusty74 on
I don't know if it has been mentioned but the first 'Wrong Turn' was a killer movie.
Heinz on
Agreed! They got worse after that, but the first is a classic.
Der Todesking on
Madman (1982)
Wolf Creek 1 & 2,
Dead Snow 2
Storm Warning
THMManiac on
some of my honorable mentions: Basket case , Black Christmas, Reanimator, and Sleepaway camp. Black Christmas is a Halloween 1978 prototype.
Der Todesking on
Black Christmas is awesome, those phone calls are damn sick!
Goathammer on
Basket Case was awesome, and Black Christmas came out in 1974 ;)
THMManiac on
yes I meant black christmas is like a prototype of the 1978 version of Halloween. I could have probably worded that better. And I guess its just pretty similar, "prototype" is kind of exaggerating....
We cant forget the classic Universal monster movies.
imfan1975 on
Ah of course not I love the Mummy Dracula the wolfman etc true classics!
Der Todesking on
Dont forget Frankenstein.
Cthulhu1999 on
Evil Dead( the original)
Heinz on
Salem's Lot. Old school classic.
Der Todesking on
John Carpenter's The Fog (1980)...
THMManiac on
check out this horror movie called Trick Or Treat (1986). There is a scene where some old lady is going through records and there is Possessed - Seven churches, Megadeth - killing is my business, and a couple Impaler and Exciter records in there.
Der Todesking on
Ozzy & Gene Simmons have appearances in it too.
mealkeith on
Alien (I Have the series and some of there comic's plus novel)
Predator trillogy (ive got the follow up to Predators in comic form)
Species (I have all the films and the comics)
Van hellsing (hugh jackan)
Human centipede
Dead snow
John carpenters (ghosts of mars,Thing,Village of the dammed)
Vomitus on
Nosferatu (1979) Werner Herzog.
Howling II
Cbower on
Original Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Original Night of the Living Dead
Rosemary's Baby
Nosferatu (silent)
Nightmare on Elm Street I
Friday the 13th I
The Shining
The Omen
The cube
PatchThePlanet on
Great question. Haven't read through all the answers yet but here goes:
New Evil Dead
Cabin in the Woods
It Follows
Silent Hill I & II
The Witch
Sinister I (& II)
The Conjuring I (II looks good, I'll go see it when it's out)
Lords of Salem
Rob Zombie's Halloween I & II
A Tale of Two Sisters
The Grudge I, II, III
The Exorcist
Insidious Series
Dudes_Macdougal on
The Evil Dead Trilogy
The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 + 2
Return of the living dead
Der Todesking on
Most of the old flicks of Dario Argento & John Carpenter fucking rule! They always have great Soundtracks too.
DeathByMetalAus... on
Braindead first and foremost.
Love horror comedy (Bad Taste, Shaun of the Dead, Tuker & Dale Vs Evil, Evil deads etc)
Tucker & dale is really cool, fuckin funny!!
Chainbreaker on
Leprechaun! Hehe:-)
THMManiac on
I'm de leprechaun!!!!!!!!
Chainbreaker on
Hell yeah! Great movie! Always great for some laughs. Warwick Davis didn't just rock in Willow!
Chainbreaker on
Also Wishmaster, Tucker & Dale VS Evil, Evil Dead 1& 2 & Army Of Darkness, The Thing, Cabin In The Woods, Suspiria, Hostel, Vacancy, 1408, ...
Chainbreaker on
Bride Of Chucky (with Judas Priest on the soundtrack)
Chainbreaker on
"It" also gave me a lot of nightmares as a child
Sonnambula on
Thriller : A Cruel Picture
Don't Deliver Us From Evil
Kissed (1996 Stopkewich)
The Beyond (1981 Fulci)
Angst (Kargl 1983)
Rampage (Friedkin 1987)
Jacob's Ladder
Hour of the Wolf (Bergman 1968)
Rosemary's Baby
Splatter : Naked Blood (Sato 1995)
Izo (Miike 2004)
Curtains (Ciupka 1983)
The Guardian (Frieadkin 1990)
Phenomena (Argento 1985)
Lady in White (Laloggia 1988)
Singapore Sling (Nikolaidis 1990)
Riki-Oh : The Story of Ricky
The Stendhal Syndrome (Argento 1996)
Antichrist (Lars Von Trier 2009)
Heartless (Philip Ridley 2009)
Cat People (Schrader 1982)
kertalaaki on
Pretty good stuff here!
Goathammer on
Naked Blood is a fucking classic, awesome mutilation effects!
Chainbreaker on
Only Cannibal Holocaust, but that one is great! But I heard somewhere that they slaughtered a real turtle for that one. Is that true? In "2019, after the fall of New York", they kill real rats, of that one I'm sure.
Chainbreaker on
No, me neither, allthough the part where they cut off that guys penis is also hard to forget!;-) Hey, ok thanks, wil definitively give that one a try!
doomtilldeath on
These have been mentioned many times already but whatever.
The Exorcist
The Evil Dead
The Thing
Night of the Living Dead
Brenoritvrezorkre on
Carrie and Hellraiser
NIHILL 77 on
Oh forgot the whole HAMMER collections.
Blair witch project
alien abduction 2014..
Not horror but Gone girl was the best film I saw last year.
Chainbreaker on
Yeah Gone Girl was fucked up! Great Movie!
lambofgodfan00 on
Alien, Aliens
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1,2,Remake and Remake Prequel)
V/H/S 1 and 2 (Viral was shit. Couldn't make it 15 min.)
Blair Witch
Event Horizon
House of 1000 Corpses and Devils Rejects
Night of The Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead (Remake)
The Sacrament
28 Days Later
The Thing (1982)
Darknet (Canadian miniseries)
Paranoia Agent (great horror anime)
We'll, that's what I got off the top of my head for right now at least.
Just remembered some more
Let The Right One In and Let me In
30 Days of Night
Saw (1)
Halloween (original and remake)
Night Watch
Nightmare on Elm St. (Original)
The Omen (original and remake)
NIHILL 77 on
Event horizon. Yesss
kertalaaki on
From Beyond
In the Mouth of Madness
Brain Damage
Dellamorte Dellamore
There is something. I'd need to check my imdb account because I know I missed some gems worth of mentioning, but here is something that comes in mind.
From Beyond is a great movie..
kertalaaki on
Still one of my favourites!
atrophythrasher on
Too many XD but i am a huge fan of J-Horror
Vectrex on
My all time favorite Horrormovie is Terminator 1
Der Todesking on
Bin ebenfalls grosser fan von Arnold's alten Filmen, wie zB Terminator, Predator, Running Man etc...
Vectrex on
Aber ich glaub nur der erste Terminator ist ein klassischer Horrorfilm. Predator ist schon mehr wie Aliens. Running Man ist sowieso geil aber voll abgefuckt, kann den nicht mal zuordnen :D
Der Todesking on
Denke Terminator & Predator kann man unter Sci-Fi/Horror einordnen. Ein klassischer Horrorfilm ist Terminator auch nicht. Ist ja auch egal, auf jdn Fall coole Filme!
BeefCakeAssThrash on
pfffff gonna miss a few here but will add them as they come to mind, haha
- Evil Dead 1+2 & Army of Darkness will always be my favorites. Undisputed, unchallenged and unbeaten champions of horror movies! (still not even gonna bother with the re-make. Hollywood can keep that cashgrab garbage)
- The Shining for the suspense and amazing story. I love the book WAY more than the movie, tho.
- Braindead for the drunken nights I've watched this, laughing my ass off and quoting all the best lines.
- Poltergeist (the 1982 one) for the childhood trauma
- Nightmare on Elmstreet for Robert Englunds amazing character
- Creepshow 1&2 for the screenplay and gory stories
Some honorary non-horror mentions:
- Class of 1984
- Ace Ventura (1&2)
- The Warriors
- Running Man
- Total Recall (the old one, ofcourse)
Chainbreaker on
You have excellent taste!
BeefCakeAssThrash on
haha thanx dude. Only the classix for me!
andermatten on
wow, class of 1984!! I saw it on video visiting at someone's place when I was about 7 or 8 years old. can't remember whose place it was. I should ask my uncle (it was one of his friends) and go around and smack his face.
of course, poltergeist 1982. I never leave the tv on at night.
running man was great but you should read the book which is an almost completely different (and even more excellent) story
Der Todesking on
Watched the new turkish horror movie BASKIN (2016) last night. Its very good imo, very recommended! Very sick & bizarre, if youre into occult & brutal horror - give it a watch!
Chainbreaker on
On a related note, I'm looking for the title of 2 Horror films I saw once, maybe someone on here knows them:
First one is about a family who crash their car in the woods and they keep seeing ghost figures and a purple car (mobster style) is killing them off one by one. At the end of the movie it's made clear that the dad of the family was in a coma and "dreamed" it all and that his family died in the car crash.
2nd one is in a prison and an inmate is locked up in a cell with all these pentagrams and writings on the wall and it is explained that the previous occupant escaped from his cell and nobody knows how.
Der Todesking on
Hi! First one could be "Wind Chill" (2007). Second one could be "Shocker" (1989). Not 100% sure though.
Chainbreaker on
Hey thanks! First one wasn't Wind Chill though but through that search I found it's title! It's "Dead End" from 2003. Apparently the story I described wasn't s.uite right but it's been a long time seeing it. Now I can finally search for a copy! 2nd one also wasn't Shocker though that movie is also awesome!
nameless_rites on
Cant stand gore/slasher/torture crap but I like atmospheric stuff like The Haunting, Black Sunday, Call of Cthulhu, Suspiria, Night of the Demon, The Others, The Thing, House of Usher etc. I also really enjoy some of the newer style of recent horror like Oculus, REC, The Witch, first 2 V/H/S films, etc.
Aside from films Im also a big fan of horror writers like Lovecraft, Edgar Allen Poe, and Thomas Ligotti.
THMManiac on
just gonna throw this out there, Fuck Saw.
BuriedUnderAFuc... on
I have to agree i never liked the movies either.
Kuivausrumpu on
Pretty much all the classics by Dario Argento and Lucio Fulci! Italian horror ftw.
Der Todesking on
Yeah italian horror rules, Argento is a real wizard!
Nater90 on
Watched the original The Hills Have Eyes & I'm part way through Part II, So fucking cheesy. Wes Craven has made a lot of great movies, These two miss the par so much.
Croby on
Not much into horror movies (more of a drama movie type of person :P) - but, I Saw The Devil is one of the best I have seen :D
no karate in pit on
you guys ever think maybe horror movies are like metal subgenres like how death metal is like your typical slasher tits and gore and how thrash is like the creepshow never taking itself too seriously, and black metal is like the over the top snuff films full of dead animals actual gore and murder,and power metal is just pans labyrinth and new wave of british heavy metal is like yee old classics like the exorcist or shining and classic metal like sabbath is like the wolf man and vampire of old
a chicken on
Honestly an interesting point dude, my red+white jacket is themed around gruesome media (Battle royale, Exhumed, Mortician, Dead space) but The Shining patch is definitely a different genre of horror from the rest I sewn on. Never really thought about it until now🤔
Ever seen the movie Funny Games? One of the only songs on the soundtrack is a grindcore track by John Zorn, played at the start and end titles, it's such a clash with the pacing as its quite a "slow" movie, but the song still fits perfectly well with the kind of terror it conveys, I'd recommend Patricia Taxxon's youtube video about the movie, she explains it far better than me😂😂
no karate in pit on
maybe i will
SepulchralVoice on
Was that in the American remake? I don't remember this being in the original Austrian movie (then again, it's been years since I've seen that one). They were both directed by the same guy.
a chicken on
Yep, it's a near identical remake, same script and soundtrack, except it's in English and imo has much better direction and acting from everyone
SepulchralVoice on
Let's see... Off the top of my head:
The Beyond
Suspiria (1977)
Ebola Syndrome
Don't Go In the House
Cannibal Ferox
Cannibal Holocaust
Flesh for Frankenstein
The Burning Moon
Deep Red
The New York Ripper
Suicide Circle
Izbavitelj ('70s Yugoslavian movie)
Nosferatu (both the Murnau and Herzog ones)
Maniac (1980)
Der Todesking
The Exorcist
The Omen
Silent Night Bloody Night
Evil Dead
The Coffin Joe movies
The Blind Dead movies
Perfect Blue would probably fit the bill
I guess Kung Fu Zombie could kind of fit as well
no karate in pit on
some of mine would be
original nightmare on elm street
friday the 13th part 6
cabin in the woods
scary movie 1
halloween 1
texas chainsaw 2
halloween 2018
halloween kills
friday the 13th 2009
friday the 13th part 4
trick r treat'
studio 666
Strawberries_Messiah on
Sleep away camp
Halloween 3
The brood
Hard candy
Strawberries_Messiah on
Also love h.g Lewis films
Robin_lifts on
Profondo Rosso
(insert more giallos here)
M Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder
The Exorcist
Ring 1
Sunna No Onna
The VVitch
The Lighthouse
Hellraiser 1/2
Ich sehe, ich sehe (Austrian independent films are creepy: Ulrich Seidel, Michael Haneke.. all uncanny af)
excluding the funny stuff like Basket Case , Evil Dead, British horror cinema from the 70s, even though I love those films..
honorable mention at Cronenberg’s (early) films which aren’t exactly horror.. honorable mention also at the Francophone New Extremity films such as Ils, À l'intérieur, Calvaire, etc
Most overrated horror film ever made: The Wicker Man 🥱 unpopular opinion, but The Shining didn’t do it for me either.
Camilla Angelina on
I really like house of 1000 corpses
The Thing
The Exorcist
Rosemary's Baby
The Shining
The Others - I watched this film dubbed in korean when i was a kid on the tv. Of course i was shocked at the ending scene. Fortunately, ihad never heard of the film at the time
Salvadoran_tortillas on
Jeepers creepers (the first one)
Nightmare on elms street
Steven Price on
Halloween franchise
Friday the 13th franchise
A nightmare on Elm Street franchise (Robert England is the one and only freddy kruger)
Return of the living dead
Night of the living dead
Evil dead
Night of the demons
Texas chainsaw massacre
Sleepaway camp
The hills run red
You're next
Trick r treat
Jennifer's body
Freddy vs Jason
House of 1000 corpses
Devil's rejects
The strangers
The blair witch project
The shining
Sometimes they come back
Nosferatu 1922
And tons more but really love 80s horror I grew up watching
no karate in pit on
don't forget tales from the crypt
Bredli on
Alien, The Thing, and Suspiria
andermatten on
I do not usually enjoy horror movies and do not usually understand people who do. (that said, i do not count the alien or predator franchises [which I love!] as horror movies)
nevertheless, there are a couple of films I found quite enjoyable for non-horror-reasons, or, alternatively, which scared the shit out of me:
salem's lot
event horizon
the sixth sense
faces of death (parts 1 and 2)
evil dead (which I saw as a ten-year-old, and it's not funny, I don't care what anyone says)
jaws (which is the reason I hate the sea, lakes, rivers, very deep pools etc.)
Ant8rctic8 on
Oh, yes! Salem's Lot (1979) is a very cool movie.
andermatten on
Open the window, Mark...Let me in.
MetalNDN on
I have American Horror Story Asylum shirt.
John Carpenters The Thing monster collage shirt.
LV- 426 shirt from, Aliens.
American Horror Story collage shirt of all seasons.
Captain Spaulding Fried Chicken and Gasoline, it just tastes so damn good shirt, from House of a 1000 Corpses.
Turdburger on
Night of The Demons (1988)
Late Phases
Fright Night (1985)
The Howling
Bad Moon
Silver Bullet
Devil's Rejects
House of 1000 Corpses
Favs from my childhood:
Under Wraps (1997)
Halloween Town
Edward Scissor Hands
Don't Look Under the Bed
James and The Giant Peach
The Goonies
Abbot and Costello horror versions
Creature from the black lagoon
Rockober Blood
Shock Em' Dead
Terror on Tour
Trick or Treat
Hard Rock Zombies
Slumber Party Massacre
Wild Zero
Return of the Living Dead