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Scammed by Hellinations Merch

Tue, 21/01/2025 - 12:40

just want to warn people from buying stuff on Hellinations Merch. I bought some patches and never got them. I informed Paypal and they sent a faked tracking number where a fake delivery was shown, some hours later there was no data found. Paypal is still proofing, seller don't reply or help.

If someone has a question just write me PN, i have also screenshots about it.

Maybe some of you have better experience with them, but i just wanted to let u know.

doctordeath's picture

I hope you didn't send money by friends and family option

Joop's picture

No i didnt, but Paypal first trusted the fake tracking and closed the case. I opened the case again and wait again for a new solution.

Jo_infir's picture

Which country does Hellinations Merch come from?

buddyunholy's picture

Indonesia iirc

I had a good experience once, I bought one patch from him

Jo_infir's picture

Okay, try to DM me about his address after you receive the package from him, I will help you guys to find his address and his real name

Jo_infir's picture

is this the person?

MalevolentSilver's picture

Same with armed and hammered i got scammed 2 times by him now

Jo_infir's picture

is this the person?

Joop's picture

Yes that is him

Jo_infir's picture

Is that his Instagram?

Jo_infir's picture

Please give me proof of your conversations and payments, i will help your case

Joop's picture

I will wait now again what Paypal decides. The first case was closed as they believed the wrong tracking number which was given by Hellinations Merch

Joop's picture

See attached the open case at Paypal. On 1 picture you see the wrong tracking number he shared. I marked where you can't download the delivery document as the zip code is wrong. I live in 44319 and it shows wrong zip code in combination with the tracking number

Jo_infir's picture

okay wait for news from me

ladypower5's picture

I've bought from him before and haven't had any problems. The only thing is that I waited about 6 weeks for my goods.

ladypower5's picture

I have This Adress

Jo_infir's picture

Well good news, I'm here just trying to straighten this out, and I want the account named @Joop to contact Hellnations Merch again, and hopefully there will be a solution to this problem mate :)

FarFarNorth's picture

Honestly surprised to read your post. Bought from him many times and always reliable, always safely delivered, dude's a metal maniac who takes pride in the trade.
Could more likely be an honest mistake of copy/pasting you a wrong tracking number belonging to another German buyer. Then fast escalation/accusations made it awkward. Hope y'all resolve this soon. Surely your package is safely on the way and it's some data mixup. (It does take up to 2 months to arrive in EU from Indonesia).

For what it's worth. DHL tracker site has been glitching for me in recent days. Not recognizing my zip code or phone when I try entering them to see security-sensitive info on my [different seller] package's progress. Even showing fake delivery attempt that never happened (it auto-logged at the same exact moment when the package was actually scanned in the warehouse). This bullshit is so hyper-automated it's fucking up the entire purpose of logistic precision.
I can post screenshots.

Not sure if that's DHL site you're using to track international mail, but the format looks identical. Never rule out tech based fuckage with those trackers. I'm sharing this because it's not obvious, easy to suspect sender when the fault can be with careless warehouse scanners.

Jo_infir's picture

Well, that's a good suggestion, let's just see how things develop for both parties, hopefully there will be a way out and they can be held accountable for this problem

frankie530's picture

I ordered from Hellinations before and had good experiences they never scammed me. Maybe it’s an order mix up or an unintentional mistake.

From a recent personal experience with another distro, the person running it became too busy (apparently from social media)/or was too unorganized to handle taking multiple orders in their distro (very annoying), but ultimately I received my merch - maybe the same thing happened here

Hopefully it all gets worked out for you

EvilJay's picture

I recognise this technical glitch: on a shipment I had the DHL tracking system accepted my zip code for accessing the extra delivery information for a while and then stopped doing it. The package was eventually delivered. It was an international shipment and my zip code is 44309, that’s pretty close, what a coincidence. This is not the only bug I had, a package from Italy must have been sitting for approx 6 months around Bochum until they found and delivered it. Looks like something’s wrong with the logistics in our area. That shipment also had zip trouble: it was correctly written on the package, but allegedly got misread by the automated system. Had the customer service because of that one on the phone and reported it missing, the Italian side did the same. But that was the longest time I have ever seen a shipment from the Bochum area to reach Dortmund, absolutely amazing.

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