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I(an) had to Be There: My Top Ten Gigs of 2024.

Electric Funeral55
Sat, 18/01/2025 - 07:07

The new year is starting off strong with a sizzling lineup of events and gigs, but let's take a look back at 2024 before the metal mania begins. We saw some epics together last year from Exodus, W.A.S.P, Clutch, Municipal Waste, Iron Maiden; and more. Check it! Here's ten of my favorite gigs which I and maybe we attended together in 2024 via Metal Insider!: https://metalinsider.net/lists/ian-had-to-be-there-my-top-ten-gigs-of-2024

oldmate's picture

in 2024 I went to 21 gigs. My top 10 in order

1 - Mortiis
2 - Jungle Rot
3 - Undeath
4 - Vescia Infest
5 - Hellhammer
6 - Sanguisugabogg
7 - L7
8 - Obituary
9 - Austrian Death Machine
10 - Pantera

bad_american1992's picture

Pantera ranked the lowest, any reason? Just curious because I was planning to see them this year

oldmate's picture

dude, they ripped it up. I really had a good time at the show, but it was a big aussie fest and I am more of a inside small venue guy. If they come back I would see them again 100% you should see them.

I also give extra credit for bands I have never seen before.. a few of these bands it was the first or second time in australia

I have been lucky to see pantera a few times. saw them in 94 and then when phil and the illegals came to australia they played a few classics, and then again in 2024

bad_american1992's picture

That's awesome that the Bogg Brothas made it down to your country! And I agree with ya on the smaller venues. My brother saw Pantera with Lamb of God for like $60 USD, but my only chance to catch them is with Metallica and it's gonna cost a bag. May as well though!

bad_american1992's picture

Barely made it to any shows last year for a multitude of reasons. So I'll do a top three.

1. Sum 41 - felt just like a show from the good old days. I was expecting a dud since the singer's got major issues with his spine, but it would up being a blast.
2. Artillery - they didn't play anything off of B.A.C.K., sadly, but were still awesome. We hung out with them after the show and bought em beers.
3. Armored Saint - Totally outclassed Blackie Lawless's Karaoke Party a.k.a. WASP!

no karate in pit's picture

only went to a few as well here's my ranking even though they all kicked ass

1. exodus,havok and deadheat the pit was off the fucking charts imo and it was cool catching zetro before the split again
2. Megadeth mudvayne and all that remains, Megadeth always were a bug reason why I'm a metalhead and holy shit can he shred mudvayne kicked ass too
3.def Leppard journey Steve miller band a very swell 80s rock show and I've always digged def Leppard and seeing them play deep cuts from pyromania was awesome

MetalNDN's picture

1. Electric Light Orchestra farewell tour
2. Slayer at Aftershock Festival
3. California Deathfest VII
4. Lita Ford
5. Oxygen Destroyer
6. Flotsam and Jetsam
7. Artillery
8. Cryptopsy
9. Testament, Kreator, Possessed
10. Hippie Death Cult

I saw 12 shows. These are the ten I liked the most.

ThatBillyGuy's picture

1. Lamb of God and Mastodon
2. Sepultura and Obituary
3. Metallica and Pantera
4. Judas Priest and Sabaton
5. Iron Maiden
6. Midnight
7. Megadeth
8. War on Drugs
9. Static-X and Sevendust

Cardboardcity's picture

Good year for gigs, and especially festivals which I've included in the list as well
1 Sigh - Boom Leeds
2 Cirith Ungol, Night Demon & Heavy Sentence - Underworld London
3 Smoulder, Iron Void & Trojan - Chantry Brewery Rotherham
4 Los Campesinos! - Troxy London
5 Up the Hammers festival - Athens Greece
6 Damnation Festival - BEC Arena Manchester
7 Quartz & Stormchild - Asylum Birmingham
8 Crustmas on Earth - Castle and Falcon Birmingham
9 Ascended Dead & Slimelord - Chapel Nottingham
10 Aluk Todolo - Old Salutaion Inn Nottingham

LeeGoldson's picture

I only got to see Sodom, Tankard, Darkness and Traitor in 2024, but Sodom played a lot of their old stuff which I didn't expect so I was pleasantly surprised.

Velkaarn's picture

2024 didn't go entirely as planned gig-wise, but still managed to see some good ones. More or less 10 best individual performances:
1. Denial of God @Steelfest / Hyvinkää
2. Mysticum @Steelfest
3. Beherit @Rites of North / Oulu
4. Helheim @Turku Saatanalle
5. Hellhammer @Hellsinki Metal Fest
6. Darkestrah @Turku
7. Sextrash @Turku
8. Nithral @Pasha Fest / Varkaus
9. Gorgoroth @Steelfest
10. Evil Asteroid & Nitrik @Varrella Virran / Leppävirta - they were equally great in different genres so it's a tie
Bonus: Wood Archer @Bay Area Dungeon Crawl-stream while working out at gym

andermatten's picture

10. Vomit Forth (their set should've been 30mins, but they walked off 10mins early. pity, excellent music)
9. Cattle Decapitation
8. 200 Stab Wounds
7. Arottenbit (fresh & entertaining, never heard of before)
6. Stillbirth (a staple)
5. Embrace Your Punishment
4. Epicardiectomy
3. Pig Destroyer
2. Body Count (he's still the ice muthafucken T bitch)
1. Insanity Alert (seriously hilarious!)

661,084 items in the gallery, 906,566 comments, and 382 items have changed hands in the last month.

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Recent Comments

  • about an hour ago
    Thanks mate!
  • about an hour ago
    Thanks a lot for your comment mate. I hope you'll find one in good condition though.
  • about an hour ago
    First time seeing one without the red outline on the logo… love it!
  • about an hour ago
    Mint! Really like the In Solitude one...well, and the backpatch 😎 cheers
  • about an hour ago
    Hell yes!
  • about an hour ago
    Such a simple design, yet so effective
  • about 2 hours ago
    What is it then, homemade?
  • about 4 hours ago
    Sorry, NOT a knockoff or bootleg.
  • about 6 hours ago
    Back to Back was my first Gravestone. That Cover catched my eyes, love it till this day!
  • about 6 hours ago
    Thrash em all was a super Magazine!
  • about 6 hours ago
    okay thanks. you wouldnt mind sharing the link to a website??? would be nice. thx
  • about 6 hours ago
    Haha, that's a great one. The designer really captured THAT face he made.
  • about 6 hours ago
    You know where I could possibly find one? The one guy selling his on here is inactive
  • about 7 hours ago
    A great US band trying to do a bit more than the usual and this was a great exit for them.
  • about 7 hours ago
    That’s sick especially that it was owned by the man himself.
  • about 7 hours ago
    Haha thanks. They have so many great designs both today and back then