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Iron Maiden Kutte - Update 2019

Sun, 08/12/2019 - 01:41

Started in 2009 and completly overhauled it in the beginning of 2018. In summer 2019 I got the Obituary BP and decided to renew the back from the ground up.

~70 patches, usable pockets, a few pins and buttons and a chain, too much money and many evenings spent sewing but the outcome is worth it. As usual its never finished but I don't plan any updates that big anytime soon again.

Festival wristbands are:
Wacken (2008, 2009, 2010)
Summerbreeze (2008, 2009, 2010, 2013)
Rock am Härtsfeldsee (2009, 2010, 2011)
With Full Force (2010)
Rock im Wald (2015)
Ultima Ratio (2008)
PartySan (2010, 2017)
RockHard (2010)

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2009
Iron Maiden Kutte - Update 2019
Iron Maiden Kutte - Update 2019
Iron Maiden Kutte - Update 2019
Iron Maiden Kutte - Update 2019
Iron Maiden Kutte - Update 2019

kingdomofhannover's picture

Sehr schickes Teil! Das war ganz offensichtlich viel viel Arbeit. Der Rücken ist schon ne Ansage, richtig klasse!
Viel Spaß damit!

Gesperrt's picture


Bradpot's picture

wat sacht der denn deiner Meinung nach an?

fauzan big's picture

Insane update man! Really love the layout on the back. Added to my favourites list.

Gesperrt's picture

Thanks mate!

Chainsaw Charlie's picture

It is a Metal Masterpiece, it really kicks ass , congrats pal

Gesperrt's picture

Haha thank you!

Demolition_hell_hammer's picture

Cool vest!

Gesperrt's picture


Madt_Butcher's picture

Wie schon gesagt Brudi, Stark!! Aber wo ist mein Pestilence?? :(

Gesperrt's picture

Der hat leider nicht mehr draufgepasst - ich überleg nochmal ob ich einen tauschen, im Zweifel braucht ihn eh der Michel hhhh

Odradek's picture

Der Resteverwerter

Gesperrt's picture

Richtiger Mülleimer!

YogTheKeyToTheGate's picture


Gesperrt's picture


Shatafaker666's picture

Awesome 👏🏻 cheers from 🇲🇽 Mexico

Gesperrt's picture

Thanks! Cheers from Germany

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Recent Comments

  • one of the best thrash frontmen haha
  • Fuck yeah it was! 1,500 people I believe.
  • Thanks man! There will definitely more to come with this vest :)
  • Katon up to some crazy shit as usual, hahaha
  • AGghghghg legendary! I bet the place was packed!
  • Vintage patches on bleached denim is always a great look! This will be a fun vest to watch evolve.
  • Thanks man!!
  • Thanks. I’ll be seeing Slayer tonight at Aftershock Festival in Sacramento.
  • that acid witch dude METAL MOVIE MARIJUANA MASSACRE
  • Great shirt !!!!
  • Those vivid colours print make this shirt awesome !!!!
  • Looks amazing man \m/ The color of the vest makes the patches pop even more, great work
  • Sure, I've just seen it too.
  • I Want it.🥰🥰
  • Thank you!!