Bathory Kutte number 3
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- Y&T patch to Kingknallo
- Guns N' Roses patch to Kingknallo
- Megadeth patch to Kingknallo
- Thin Lizzy Patches to Kingknallo
- Guns N' Roses backpatch to Kingknallo
- Megadeth backpatch to Kingknallo
- Megadeth patch to Kingknallo
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hectormetallica123 on
Battleangels91 on
well done man thats looking friggin epic
Grimslath on
Cheers fellas! \m/
HeathenThrone on
I love it when people put a good mix of different Genres on their vest, and you have definately done that! Awesome job!
Grimslath on
Cheers man! Try as I might I just can't choose one genre over another. I love all metal equally! Haha! \m/
guitar_demon on
is that forefather patch official? also is it woven or printed?
Grimslath on
Yep, official. Got it from the Forefather website. Its printed. \m/
CryptKeeper on
Cool! Thanks for mentioning the Over-Zone Mailorder, didn't know that one. I checked it out and it looks very good, there's an Exhorder patch for example as if that one could be found anywhere else, which definitely isn't the case! Thanks!
memo on
Nice i like the order of the patches
Grimslath on
Cheers man! \m/
Deathcore.Is.No... on
That Dissection back patch is probably the coolest back patch I've ever seen.
Grimslath on
That was exactly what I said when I first saw it... unfortunately didn't buy it straight away and it took a couple of years to hunt it down! xD Worth it though! \m/
nothingmore on
hahah, nokturnal mortum next to kataklysm next to blind guardian ^^
neat vest!
Grimslath on
Haha! Its exactly the same when I listen to music... grimmy grim followed by cheesy cheese followed by brutally brutal... ;)
diamondmaster93 on
If this is your third kutte then you must have spent a small fortune on all of those patches.
Grimslath on
Yep, I'm pretty much addicted to patch collecting and I figure if I've got them I may as well show them off! \m/
originskullking on
Nice vest man looks chill and where did u get that gamma ray patch man looks sick
Grimslath on for the Gamma Ray patch although there's a similar one at too. :) Cheers! \m/
Phosphorous_Redeemer on
Great vest. Storm of lights bane cover makes one of the best backpatches ive ever seen.
MetalxThrasher on
1349. Helloween. Immortal.
I approve.
MetalxThrasher on
1349. Helloween. Immortal.
I approve.
whiteravenmetal on
Cool Rainbow, Helloween and Angra patches.
FarFarNorth on
Holy shit, Forefather! 5 flames for that one alone, not to say of other good ones here. Where did you find it?
Grimslath on
The Forefather patch was direct from the official site... Cheers! \m/
BeheadingN on
Love the Negator patch!
Grimslath on
Cheers! Its a simple yet striking design I think. One of the reasons I got that one! :D
Grimslath on
Most definitely! Hahaha! \m/
AmIEvil on
Hail Of Bullets! Nice! Cheers from Holland
Grimslath on
Damn right Hail of Bullets! ;D Fuckin' awesome band! One of a ton of great death metal bands the Netherlands has spawned! \m/
Cannibal corpse fan on
Nice angra patch
Grimslath on
Cheers. From Overzone that one!
maidenmad77 on
I love your saxon and overzone patches!