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Slayer Grimslath's 2nd Patch Jacket

ManOboy's picture

nice patches, im lovin the jacket. Quick question, where did you get the "I" patch and the "sonata arctica" patch? I've been looking everywhere for them but cant find either.

Grimslath's picture

Cheers man! \m/ Think I got the Sonata patch from www.t-shirtzone.co.uk and the 'I' patch was from Nuclearblast...think they still have it in stock.

CryptKeeper's picture

Hey, thanks a lot for mentioning t-shirtzone.co.uk, I checked it out (I'm looking for patches 24/7 ;) ) and I'm stunned! They have a fuckin' lot of patches, sure to finde some patches I don't have yet!

@topic: Nice kutte! ;)

hammer slammer's picture

sweet jacket, and where did you get your overkill patch?

hectormetallica123's picture

sick ass vest man mine only has like 4 patches where can i get those patches instead of ordering them on blackned moon.com

Grimslath's picture

Um... try ebay, www.t-shirtzone.co.uk, Nuclear Blast and other labels, band websites, check metal markets at festivals. Also try the US company www.officialabyssrecords.com for some hard to find bands.

Grimslath's picture

The one directly to the left of the Crystal Viper one with the big gold I on it. :)

HeathenThrone's picture

Nice Heidevolk Patch! I want that one soooo bad. Screw overseas shipping costs lol.

PowerThrashingDeath's picture

Goddess Of Desire has them on their webshop, i don't know the shipping costs outside holland but a couple of patches in an envelop normaly costs 88cents

CryptKeeper's picture

But for patches, the oversea shipping cost's aren't a real problem. Some shops ship patches even for free! At least from USA to Europe, maybe it's different in the opposite direction, but it shouldn't... Or do you live in another part of the world?

Grimslath's picture

You can also get the Heidevolk patch from the band's website. Don't think shipping costs are very expensive either. :)

hectormetallica123's picture


Swamplord's picture

Sick Immortal back patch!

Grimslath's picture

\m/ Cheers man!

Rover133's picture

I have the same AC/DC in the same location. Great stuff.

Grimslath's picture

Great minds eh, man! Nice one! \m/

Metaalharses's picture

all those patches.. awesome. hey look it's a bal-sagoth patch hahaha Byron would be pleased:)


I enjoyed their "power cosmic" and "Atlantis ascendant" ...yes this is a coming out ;)

ShieldbitersValhalla's picture

Nice Kroda patch! And you say all these are official? Nice find! Where did that one come from?

ShieldbitersValhalla's picture

Holy cow, and I just saw the Slechtvalk patch. That one is awesome too! Lol, Where?!?

Grimslath's picture

Cheers! The Kroda one came from www.officialabyssrecords.com I think... the Slechtvalk one came from the fear-Dark record label website a few years ago...not sure its still available. :)

ybot666's picture

were did you see Warpath dude ??

Grimslath's picture

Never seen that Warpath...

PEELO's picture

Nice Deathchain patch where did you get it ??

Grimslath's picture

Band website a few years ago...just after the second album came out.

ThatzNOTmetaL's picture

that Hammerfall patch is sik where did you get it

Grimslath's picture

Seen that one at a few places...I got mine from Nuclear blast but check the sites I've previously mentioned too. :)

FarFarNorth's picture

Nice vest! I have that Menhir patch, good to see someone else representing it too. Makes nice symmetry with that Heidevolk patch as well, though the latter one is a bit larger.

Grimslath's picture

I agree! Although for symmetry I used the Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult one as its a similar shield shape and about the same size as the Heidevolk one. :)

whiteravenmetal's picture

I like the Wolfsbane and Zoso patches.

Grimslath's picture

Both great bands that deserve a spot on any kutte imo! Cheers! \m/

ShieldbitersValhalla's picture

You have the only Menhir stuff on tshirtslayer! I've been listening to Menhir lately on youtube to figure out which album I would buy if I bought one, and I really like Ziuwari!

Grimslath's picture

Haha! That makes me feel special! \m/ My fave menhir album is Hildebranslied. Its epic! Also check out the band XIV Dark Centuries if you haven't already! :)

ShieldbitersValhalla's picture

I've been seeing stuff of theirs in shops, and I've heard a little of the music, I need to investigate them some more.

Cannibal corpse fan's picture

nice bolt thrower patch sweet vest dude

trogdawn's picture

Love that Hawkwind patch! I have the same one on my denim cut!

MetalxThrasher's picture

I never seen another one before. :D

Grimslath's picture

It is a most grim and frostbitten backpatch of awesomeness! We also have the same Onslaught patch (I've not sewn it on anything yet though). \m/

MetalxThrasher's picture

And Tankard and Kreator as well! \m/

doyle92's picture

Eastern Front!!!

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Recent Comments

  • about a minute ago
    Your jackets always have the best themes and colours, amazing work🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • 3 minutes ago
    Good luck on the hunt dude🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • 4 minutes ago
    Beautiful all around, awesome work🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • about 2 hours ago
    Thanks a lot!
  • about 2 hours ago
    A dream and quite a lot of sweing… 🤘😜
  • about 2 hours ago
    Thanks! I have two of these. They are really great for the wintertime.
  • about 4 hours ago
    Great dogs man! Chihuahua owners where we at \m/
  • about 5 hours ago
  • about 5 hours ago
    That's awesome man, and great Gorguts shirt!
  • about 6 hours ago
    This festival isn't really known for inviting bad bands.
  • about 6 hours ago
    That's right. Tyrann was amazing but the other Bands played as well awesome. The Patches looks great.
  • about 6 hours ago
    hello would you be willing to sell this?
  • about 7 hours ago
    Such a good boy! Actually two good boys :)
  • about 7 hours ago
    Bobby's looking pretty withered these days.... sick that he's still involved in metal though!
  • about 7 hours ago
    Killer copies of Metal Fanzines..
  • about 7 hours ago
    One of my favorite performances of this year's Heavy Metal Thunder. Glad you like the patch