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Slayer My Battle Jacket - Work in progress

Thu, 22/12/2011 - 06:56

It's still a work in progress, still room left on it!

I have a Black Sabbath and Pegazus patch to put on it, and a KISS patch in the mail.

Also, the signatures are from Steel Panther and 1/3 of Slipknot (Sid, Chris and Clown).

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2010

MetalliDeth95's picture

I really like the diversity on this one. Hell, you've even got Metallica's Load on there along with Slipknot, Motley Crue, Mayhem, etc, etc. Damn this is a really great start, man.

Rboy93's picture

Thanks man, the only thing stopping me from covering the entire thing in a huge variety of metal bands is money.

BlackMetalRights's picture

I have the same Anthrax, Venom, and Thrash Metal patches!

Rboy93's picture

I bought them all from one guy on ebay!

iambadcompany's picture


Bleeding Runes's picture

Uhm? seriously thrash metal patch + slipknot & corn patch!?!
2flames because the twisted sister!

Rboy93's picture

With all the Biebers and Pop-punks out there, why are we still hating on our own?

meaningless's picture

well said

Oby1916's picture

man! twisted sister is just a pop band back in the 80s just like slipknot and korn! hahaha

mayhempunk666's picture

the lay out so far is really nice, and the overwhelming diversity is something i like despite the fact i hate a good portion of the bands displayed,but hey your kutte is your kutte

Rboy93's picture

I like to cycle through my metal sub-genres every few months so I don't wear my tastes out. I've just gotten out of glam and into black. I'm weird like that.

MetalThrashingMad's picture

Great patches, I don't like all the bands, but it looks cool

Cannibal corpse fan's picture

even though i dont like some of the bands,ive gotta say that it looks cool.

Rboy93's picture

Updated 26/2/12

Added Nyktalgia, Poison and Watain

Aussieheadbanger's picture

oh man lose the slipknot and log patch lol , kills the D.R.I one!

Rboy93's picture

After seeing them at their Sidewave sideshow, that patch is permanent, Slipknot are fucking amazing and I don't care who disagrees.

Liberator's picture

I like your attitude man. Stick by what you like, its your kutte and it shouldn't bother what patches you've got on your jacket. Btw whose autographs are those????? I'm assuming one belongs to Shawn Crahan.

Rboy93's picture

Chris, Sid and Clown!

CryptKeeper's picture

nice Watain patch, never seen this one before!

Rboy93's picture

It's the one off their website!

R.J.'s picture

Quite an odd assortment of bands... Nyktalgia on the same jacket as Poison. Haha. It's your taste so I can respect that.

ConsideredDead11's picture

Nyktalgia patch doesn't belong here...

Rboy93's picture

It's not on there for much longer, all the pics/info are out dated and after a week of sewing they will be updated.

doyle92's picture

Why the blank circular patch out of curiosity?

Rboy93's picture

One of Clown's (from Slipknot) side projects called The Black Dots of Death, came with the album.

doyle92's picture

Ah i see,
I get the general idea of it,
but aesthetically its not very good.
It would of made more sense putting a copyright on it or something.

Rboy93's picture
doyle92's picture

That would of been better i guess.
I mean you can buy blank patches online just as they are.

Rboy93's picture

You're right on the money there, if I'd actually paid for the patch I'd be rather upset right now.

Roar's picture

Sick layout, nice choices regarding most of the patches. Not a Slipknot or Korn fan myself but can respect that they are good to some.

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