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Der Blutharsch Leather Battle Jacket

THMManiac's picture


Headcleaner's picture

Thanks man!

Frozen Fire's picture

Awesome stuff, the layout looks great!

Headcleaner's picture

Thanks. I respect the "overlapping patch" look on other jackets, but I guess I'm a little more OCD about having things lined up on what I wear.

imfan1975's picture

bunch of great bands man!

Headcleaner's picture

Thanks. I've been lucky enough to see quite a few live.

Nater90's picture

Killer taste man, That Necrophagia is fucking awesome!

Headcleaner's picture

Thanks, man! I picked up the patch at a show where Necrophagia opened for Venom, Inc. Both bands killed!

Nater90's picture

Sick as!

Wish they'd come here!!!

llama_operation's picture

Love the colors on this one!!

Headcleaner's picture

Thanks! Black metal bands tend to be so monochromatic. I guess death metallers need lots of reds and greens to show off all the blood and gore.

llama_operation's picture

Haha very true! Also I have that same Persecution Mania patch, perhaps one of Sodom's best works!

Chainbreaker's picture

Great vest! I especially love the awesome backpatch!

Headcleaner's picture

Thanks! Macabre is one of my favorite bands of any genre. "Vampire of Düsseldorf" started me on the path of underground metal.

ZAKRAT's picture

Great vest, cool layout, awesome bands!
Really like the Throbbing Gristle patch.

Headcleaner's picture

Thanks! TG is so fundamentally important to extreme music (not to mention so incredibly creepy) that I had to give them a place on the jacket. "Hamburger Lady" is more disturbing than most death/gore metal songs.

Potatoes_Misfit15's picture

Sick vest \m/ where you buy the macabre back patch

Headcleaner's picture

Nuclear Blast Germany was selling it a couple of years ago. (2014 maybe?) Don't know about its current availability.

joecubbie's picture

Full flames for the Macabre back patch alone

Headcleaner's picture

Thanks, man.
On an unrelated note, I caught Rush's R40 tour, too, and it was one of the best concerts I've ever seen.

joecubbie's picture

Awesome man! Definitely the best show I've ever seen or will see, no contest. Here are the actionshots I got: http://tshirtslayer.com/actionshot/r40

cycojoe's picture

Awesome vest. Love the Macabre back patch. Sinister Slaughter is one of my favorite albums

Into Glory Ride's picture

The rest is not fitting that great in my opinion, but I surely do appreciate the Neofolk side of this vest! Awesome!

Solitary-Man's picture

Those Diamond-Patches at the front shoulder look awesome, what do they represent?

LegionWerewolf's picture

death in june, neofolk project

MorbidDimension13's picture

Shiiit! Do you know where I can find those Death In June patches?

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