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Vintage Original Iron Maiden - California Invasion 1985 Raglan Baseball Jersey

Fri, 19/10/2012 - 22:41
Not for sale or trade

Year: 1985
Original TShirt Fabric Color: 
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TShirt or Longsleeve - Vintage Original Iron Maiden - California Invasion 1985 Raglan Baseball Jersey

gloriousdeath's picture

That's amazing... Maiden did some great and special stuff back in the day... 666 flames for Eddie

meaningless's picture

insane great shirt...im jealous..haha

Grimlord's picture

cost me $350 buxx and payment in installments - so BE JEALOUS :D

meaningless's picture

great shirt..but i would never ever pay a price like this..for a shirt..haha..but hey: u have it :D

mad_submarine's picture

It is interesting..do you wear it? I mean, since you have paid such an amount of money for it.. If I had a shirt so expensive, I'd probably just keep it at home

Grimlord's picture

I'm only wearing it on special occasions and I'm very cautious :)

Antonio's picture

Great and hystorical, I love it!!

VoodooChild's picture

Amazing, and amazing price. Not THAT MUCH (lol) considiring I've seen a regular tourshirt from the World Slavery tour go for 1200+. Up the Irons.

Grimlord's picture

damn right! it was a good price. Cheers!

metal_thrashing_dad's picture

Mindblowing jersey, one of the best ever!!!

ilovetoeatpussy's picture

your collection is incredible!!

Grimlord's picture

thanks - I do my best :)

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