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Dead Congregation "Serpentskin" official t-shirt

Mon, 13/03/2017 - 22:42

Latest addition to my collection, aquired at their latest show. I was not impressed with this design at first, but in person, it looks really awesome. It's nice when bands create additional artwork for their merch, and not just plain adaptations of their album covers.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2017
Original TShirt Fabric Color: 
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More: Dead Congregation TShirts Dead Congregation Patches
Dead Congregation "Serpentskin" official t-shirt
Dead Congregation "Serpentskin" official t-shirt
Dead Congregation "Serpentskin" official t-shirt
Dead Congregation "Serpentskin" official t-shirt

madbutcher's picture

Nice one!!

nuclearthrasher666's picture

Thanks !

meaningless's picture

hm..i must say..on the first quick view - ITS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

btw...u know if he is still running his Nuclear Winter Rec.Label? ...i ordered so many stuff in the past...but cant find a homepage anymore....

nuclearthrasher666's picture

Yeah, the more I look it the more I like it myself !
Nuclear winter has closed, but you should check out A.V.'s new label/distro: http://martyrdoom.bigcartel.com/products . A lot of cool stuff for very good prices !

cenotap_h's picture


bg181's picture

great band great shirt!!

nuclearthrasher666's picture

Thanks !

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