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Sepultura Vintage Patch I found

Sun, 24/11/2024 - 19:05

This is a printed Sepultura og patch that I found today in a market, it cost me 1,50€.
I was going to upload this one in my profile but first I wanted to see if there was another ones here in TSS, but I couldn't find one, not a single one on TSS, so my question is, is this one rare? How much it should cost? I need info about this patch

Agrunge hippie on a quest for heroin flyingfish2's picture

looks quite shitty to me no wonder no uploaded it lol (not trying to be mean)

oldmate's picture

never seen it, i do like it !!!

Superfly's picture

pretty cool, strays away from standard sepultura designs!

DamianHayes's picture


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