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Mayhem My tape collection

Fri, 27/01/2012 - 12:38

Here are the tapes I own, some notable ones:

Atomtrakt - demo tape, 158/500
A transylvanian funeral - Great fast black metal, album The Outsider (061/100), album self-titled (09/100)
Mayhem - In memorium - bootleg, good quality
Immortal demo - bootleg
Enslaved demo - bootleg
Marblebog/Shadowthrone - demo split tape
On the 2nd photo, there is mix of styles. My friend has sh*tload of tapes he doesnt listen to, so he offered me to take what I want, So I took :)

First pic is from around 2012-2013, second from 2014, and third from 2015

Not for sale or trade
Mayhem My tape collection
Mayhem My tape collection
Mayhem My tape collection

ShieldbitersValhalla's picture


Dub Buk "Idu Na Vui" tape!!!!! Nokturnal Mortum tapes!!! Also nice Atomtrakt, Hate Forest, Nocturnal Depression, Gehenna, Ancient, and Anathema!

janbant's picture

You're lucky to have a friend like that! Awesome collection.

K1ll3rm4n's picture

*UPDATED* pictures, added new tapes. Thanks for comments!

LifeOfDeath's picture

Amazing tape collection! Respect!

K1ll3rm4n's picture

Thanks, also *added new picture from 2015*

FreezingMoon's picture

Great tapes!!

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