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Saxon NWOBHM MANIA!!! (Some Rock 'n' Roll too!)

MayhemWithKang's picture

Wow those Tank patches!!!

Oldschool's picture

Tatcher Stripe! Bomber! All For One! THIS ROCKS!!! \m/

Oldschool's picture

And flames!!

Judas Priestess's picture

great collection!! I haven't seen Fist and Vardis patches before

Judas Priestess's picture

almost didn't see the A II Z patch, nice!

kissman's picture

Awesome patches man!...

VoiceOfTheSoul's picture

You've eh... got a PM xD

Demolition_hell_hammer's picture

Killer Collection!!

Lex_Metal's picture

This is insane!! A lot of treasures! 05 flames to you man!! \m/

NocturnalWarlust666's picture

nice foot...
...eh, and killer collection!
I'll give you my soul for that welcome to hell stripe if you are interested

Tankard Emptyer's picture

Too much great stuff to mention all, but I must admit that I'ver never seen this Dark Star patch before!

whiteravenmetal's picture

aghhh that's too much awesome stuff dude, that Persian Risk, Tygers of Pan Tang, Saracen and Vardis are unique stuff!

DamageIncDEB's picture

Big Saxon and Killing Machine kick major ass!

Rotten's picture

Some great stuff in there. Get sewing dude \m/

invisible-horizons's picture

Yeah, I know man haha. I have many jackets to make.

Grey Waters's picture

Today I learned about patchgasms...

TheePhilosopher's picture

Holy shit dude! This is amazing!!! I fucking love your Tank patches theyre so damn killer!

Wrathchylde666's picture

Holy crap thats alotta patches! So many cool ones. I think my fav is that Maiden first album art, between the Diamond Head and Samson patches. Thats a beauty!

invisible-horizons's picture

Thanks guys! I bought the green tank patch for 10 bucks 5 years ago and the dude had 2 extras that he sold to me for cheap. Some people just don't know the value of this stuff. Every penny that I made between 2006-2012 went to band merch. I had to stop because I was broke all the time.

Blüdrayne's picture

Wow, this is a great collection!

Knightwhosayni's picture

Isn't there a way to give 6 flames? I mean, this collection is mind-blowing. Had never seen such an extensive and coherent NWOBHM collection so far. Sorry in advance for asking but... There wouldn't be a chance you would consider trading/selling a couple, would it?

Stiopa's picture

Saracen, Vardis, Dark Star... never seen them before, never knew they existed. Hope to find some of them one day.

MoreNecromansy's picture

That Fist patch is awesome! Think this is the first time I see a Saracen patch.

invisible-horizons's picture

Sorry Knightwhosayni, I'm not selling or trading anything unless it is something I really want. I really need some of those original French heavy metal band patches.

Knightwhosayni's picture

No worries, I understand of course. Just had a look at your want list - I think there's one or two things I have. Shall I PM you or is it more of a general wishlist?

invisible-horizons's picture

PM me, it might be worth it. Some of these patches I have only seen once (or once a year...and then lost the auction and had to wait a year or 2 to find it again. That can be frusterating as hell!!!) I know most hardcore patch collectors knows what that feels like! It took me like 3 years (multiple auctions) to finally get that Raven All For One patch. Cheers!

Knightwhosayni's picture

PMing you in a minute, cheers!

invisible-horizons's picture


invisible-horizons's picture

I just registered a year ago, but was too lazy to upload pictures of my stuff. I didn't intend on trading or selling any of this (in case someone had something I really wanted).

powermetaller's picture

Simply amazing. Lost for words.... I haven't seen 90% of these patches before...

Snaggletooth's picture

Amazing collection I know you dished out some bucks for it,I have a few of these myself but this blows me away,that Saracen patch I been lookin for years I haven't seen one of those since 1981 when I saw a guy with it on his vest.

invisible-horizons's picture

Thanks man! I got that with one of their 7 inches.

warmonger's picture

all hail to the true maniac!

lole66's picture

Holy shit, what an amazing collection

invisible-horizons's picture


whiteravenmetal's picture

can I ask where you find the Tredegar and Saracen patches?

invisible-horizons's picture

The Tredegar and Saracen patches were bought on ebay.co.uk. The Saracen patch came with one of their 7 Inches.

whiteravenmetal's picture

thanks for the reply!

invisible-horizons's picture

your welcome!

magicdaz's picture

Max flames for the BUDGIE POWER SUPPLY and TREDEGAR patches alone, friend! How much for them both!!!??? :-) \m/

invisible-horizons's picture

Thanks a lot, but I'm not selling or trading any of my patches.

magicdaz's picture

Can't say I blame you, friend!


jeg86's picture

great patches.if your looking for more check out my trades.

invisible-horizons's picture

Thanks! I'll take a look!

Syrinx 2112's picture

Holy mofo, where did you get the Uriah Heep and Saracen patches? The White Spirit and Fist slay!

invisible-horizons's picture

I won both of them on ebay years ago. The Saracen patch came with one of their 7 In. records. Thanks!

Syrinx 2112's picture

Congrats! They all slay!

LikkedbyDeath's picture

Ohh, pretty pretty pretty!

Faber's picture

How cool! Got the same Quartz patch. You know if it's original or bootleg? Btw I NEED that Uriah Heep patch.

invisible-horizons's picture

It is not a bootleg. It had to have been made in the early 80's. All I can suggest, is to look around ebay.co.uk for some of this NWOBHM and Progressive Rock / Hard Rock stuff. Good luck!

Faber's picture

Nice! Always doubted if it was some kind of bootleg. Yeah I know search my ass of for that UH patch. Some years ago you got it for almost for free, but now it's impossible to find.. :(

invisible-horizons's picture

Good luck on your search!

mad_submarine's picture

So many gorgeous patches, it's hard to tell! Especially UFO and Tank. Wow

invisible-horizons's picture

Thanks guys!

djcoyote's picture

Wow - I really dig your style - we even have a lot of the same patches (Angel Witch, Fist, Quartz). Please take a look at what I'm trading and let me know if you see anything you like.

CelticWarrior's picture

where did you get the demon patch? I've never been able to get one

invisible-horizons's picture

I bought it years ago from Hell's Headbangers. I'm sure you can find one online somewhere. Check ebay.

CelticWarrior's picture

Thanks, I've been searching for one on ebay for ages with no luck but I'm sure one will turn up eventually

BROCASHELM1982's picture


Morbideath's picture

or die!

Metalmate's picture

You have hairy toes and a great collection.

invisible-horizons's picture

Thanks a lot! I think that Thai dude has a crazier collection. Yeah, I didn't realize that my foot was in the picture until somebody said something about it hahaha.

Thrashattck94's picture

Do you still have either Fist or Samson?

invisible-horizons's picture

Sorry, not for sale or trade.

Morbideath's picture

so after years of worshipping, with this post added to my fav, i visit every now and then and get shocked contantly......

invisible-horizons's picture

Yeah, it has been 3 years since! Thanks!

Parris49's picture

Great collection. Love the old Lizzy patch. Silver logo on black.

invisible-horizons's picture

Thanks! I hope to get some more patches by them.

George thrash's picture


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Recent Comments

  • 8 minutes ago
    Two birds, one stone!
  • 12 minutes ago
    Yes… You got the other one as well ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • 27 minutes ago
    I've since few month but just upload to TSS now
  • 37 minutes ago
    that's a great patch. how did you get one after being sold out for so long?
  • 43 minutes ago
    Beyond cult!!! What a grail!!
  • about an hour ago
    Woher kommt das?
  • about an hour ago
  • about an hour ago
  • about an hour ago
    I hope this mystic design gets a re-release some day...
  • about 2 hours ago
    Phantastic album, super guitarist \m/
  • about 2 hours ago
    I will have to check it out for sure! Why not!
  • about 2 hours ago
    White border looks sick
  • about 2 hours ago
    Awesome!! Kaipuu miestä noutaa
  • about 2 hours ago
    Very nice!
  • about 2 hours ago
    Killer vest! And that’s a lot of festivals to attend.
  • about 2 hours ago
    Jevi recommended the Song ‘hellhammer‘ its also my favorite Song from that album.