Death - Poster Collection
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sodom26 on
Wow !!! Bro ! Being such a huge DEATH fan , this is probably by far my favorite post of yours. There has been a lot of awesome uploads, but this is just extraordinary ! I really dig those Human posters. Never saw those before. And the tour posters are just spectacular ! Just an overall killer upload. Definitely the best I've seen this year. That Leprosy poster certainly brings back memories. Especially how i so stupidly lost mine.
Thanks dude! Death stuff, especially posters, is so hard to find on eBay. I hope to complete my collection in the future.
What happened to your Leprosy poster? By the way, did you recently see how much a fully-signed Leprosy promo poster go on eBay for?.... Over $13,00!!!
sodom26 on
Back in '88 my brother volunteered at a CMJ music fair here in N.Y.C. He came home with a whole bunch of odds and ends, including the ' Leprosy ' poster ( wish he could've brought home two ). Anyhow man i was stoked. We hung it on our bedroom door for all to see when friends came over to visit. It was like the best way to enter a room looking at that poster. Needless to say with time it was taken down and for the life of me i can't recall where the hell it ended up. If i was smart and quick thinking, I should've refolded it and stuck it inside the LP. Once again carelessness takes over. So there you have it. The ' Leprosy ' debacle followed by The ' Piece of Time ' screw up.
And what the hell is this you're telling me about some autographed ' Leprosy ' poster ? Fill me in please........
Back in those days, they were just giving those things out like they were nothing. Little did they know that these posters would be sought out years down the line.
That's badass man! Do you have pictures of your old room when you had these posters up? I had three previous places that were covered in posters and I totally regret not taking pictures of them. I only have pictures of the last place that I lived at.
During moves, I have lost some ads and have no clue where they ended up at. These things just happen, especially when you are moving from place to place. Carelessness also takes the blame for this. It happens to the best of us.
Gotta see that Atheist - Piece of Time promo one day. That's why I always message my Want-List to everyone that I know who sells posters. You never know what they might have. Doing that has gotten me a lot of stuff in the past and even most recently.
Here's a link to that signed Leprosy promo poster:
sodom26 on
You said it. Those seminars were like a shopping spree. I can only imagine how much stuff got thrown out. I really wish i had pictures of my old room. It went through so many changes. Man i had so many original concert flyers from so many different bands. Also posters, mini posters, pin-ups etc... stuff that is all gone now. I really regret the band letters mostly. We had so many letters it was crazy ! Luckily i was smart enough to put those few i had left inside the LP's. Sadly i don't have a time machine to correct these mistakes.
Thanks for the link for the ' Leprosy ' poster. I have no words. Would i have paid that kind of money...probably so. I mean just the poster alone is incredible. You just don't see things like that everyday. And signed by the ' Leprosy ' line-up makes it even more special.
Wonder if we'll see it on here ? Anyhow i share your pain in losing/misplacing things. Someday i hope we'll see that original ' Piece of Time ' Promo. There just has to be one out there. Wonder if any of the band members has one ? I keep hoping.
Did you end up losing your stuff? Yeah, those letters are great! Great memories and history!
That's WAAAAY over my budget, especially because I wasn't the one to meet and have them personally sign it. I do have some posters that I didn't personally get signed, but at the same time, I didn't pay that much, luckily.
I hope to see that Atheist poster one day.
Heavy/death metal history! I am amazed, thanks for share!
Cheers always to you sir! Thanks for the kind words!
sodom26 on
Man for the life of me i just really can't remember other than showing complete and regrettable disregard for everything. I'll have to ask my brother if he remembers . But it's really a shame. If i had a crystal ball back then and knew about T-Shirt Slayer , you better believe i would have been more responsible and kept everything in a safe place. A lot of us have done the same things. Just flat out an awful feeling.
Yeah that was really an expensive final price for the poster. But to be honest if i had the money, i wouldn't hesitate to make the buy. Now i have to wait another thirty years to see if another one pops up...ha,ha.
sodom26 on
I always enjoy coming to this page. As I've stated before, this is perhaps my favorite entry of yours. For sure top five ! I'm still searching for that beautiful Human R/C ' New Album ' poster. It's proving to be rather an impossible task. I figure those tour posters are also a handful, like the ' Torture over Europe ' with Kreator and the tour with Pestilence. Not to mention the Symbolic tour posters. Not too long ago I offered someone a ton of cash for the other ' Human ' promo poster, but he wasn't ready to part with it. That's the one with the track listing and band photos on the bottom. Anyhow, just an amazing dedication to this historic band. Evil Chuck still lives on these pages.
Yeah, it took me so many years to acquire most of these. Sometimes you want to give up, but than something inspires you to keep going, no matter the cost. That's just the collectors spirit. We never know when to stop or give up. Regarding the "Human" promo, I think I know the other one that you speak of. I'm not sure if it's official or not, but it's still cool. I hope you find both of those promos one day. There's also another "Invididual Thought Patterns" promo that looks like that smaller "Human" one - similar layout and everything. A guy from the U.K. sold me that smaller "Unstoppable Force", "Human", and "Shattered Existence" promos - I wish I bought the ITP one as well...oh well!
The Spiritual Healing tour posters are tough to find! I'm still trying to get that giant promo of "Spiritual Healing" - I could've bought it for $50 back in 2008 and didn't. You know how it goes.