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Inverloch My Battle Jacket

Vectrex's picture

A bit unconventional but not bad at all!

Geraldo's picture

Awesome vest, I like the idea of using a camo military vest and where did you get the Lik patch?

Nihilistic-Terrorfront's picture

Thanks =)
I've got the patch with the mass funeral evocation degipak.

Geraldo's picture

Sweet, need to get it now.

Nater90's picture

So many wicked bands, Need that Bela'kor patch for my Aussie kutte!!

DoomBox's picture

Wo hattest du den Pentacle Patch noch mal her?

Nihilistic-Terrorfront's picture

Entweder war es beim Onlineshop von Ketzer Records oder bei Ebay, bin mir jetzt nicht so sicher. Hier, ich habe denn eben auch bei Ebay noch mal aufreiben können: http://www.ebay.de/itm/PENTACLE-DEATH-METAL-EMBROIDERED-PATCH-/281705676...

DoomBox's picture

Danke dir.

Lady Draconius's picture

Very nice! And really digging the camo vest

Sister December's picture

Nice one !

Nihilistic-Terrorfront's picture

Thanks =)

Kuchenmann's picture

Danke, der Rotting Christ ist auch der Gleiche, ich hab nur aus Platzgründen das Pentagram und die Hand \m/ abgeschnitten :-D

TheEndIsMineToRide's picture

Amazing bands and you nabbed some great patches of theirs!

Nihilistic-Terrorfront's picture

Thanks =)

But this is the old version of the vest.
The Carnivore was replaced with a Blood Of Kingu Patch, of cause I got myself another Carnivore Patch for the front ;).
Also more than 13 Patches got a place on my vest like Deus Mortem, Plaga, Funeral Whore and Teitanblood to name few

nothingmore's picture

woher rattenfänger und tragedy?

Nihilistic-Terrorfront's picture

Den Rattenfänger lies ich mir in Polen anfertigen und der Tragedy war von diesen Ebay Anbieter: http://www.ebay.de/usr/capt.hock?_trksid=p2047675.l2559

Heralder Frost's picture

Rattenfänger! love it!

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Recent Comments

  • Anyway, a great catch!
  • Great shirt!
  • Fantastic studding on the back, awesome stuff all around🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Thank you!!
  • Have to agree with you. Definitely, looks even better in person
  • Legendary!
  • No I got this one on eBay about 6 months ago just picked it up from my dad’s address in Ireland.
  • This fukkin' rules!! Saw them play this in full at Gramercy Theatre in 2017
  • What a sick line up! Jealous
  • Beautiful shirt! This was my favorite album in 2023
  • Nö. Mit Signatur der Band
  • Ist der stälker hinten blank weiß?
  • One of the best Bands of the early 80s
  • A must seen band for sure
  • This is the only one as a shirt. The design was actually only made for a Backpatch, still three copys left..
  • Oh yes! It's a blast everytime with those guys
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