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Running Wild Purgatory vest

Fri, 04/08/2023 - 13:40

My new vest!
Wanted to keep this one pretty simple, i still need alot of studs and i want to have alot of pins on it as well.
I left some space for more patches but right now i think it looks pretty good!

Not for sale or trade
In Group: Old School Cool
Running Wild Purgatory vest
Running Wild Purgatory vest

invisible-horizons's picture

Only killer bands on here! Looks great so far! And Burning Leather did a great job on that Running Wild back patch.

Inkvizicija's picture

Thanks you!
Yes it Is great it only took quite a bit of time to get to me.

rafaelkempp's picture

Killer vest!

Inkvizicija's picture

Thanks brother!


Do jaja je brate pravi old school!

Inkvizicija's picture

Hvala matori!

fauzan big's picture

Awesome!! really nice oldschool style

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