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Volbeat battle vest (faded grey with all b&w patches.

Wed, 12/09/2018 - 12:21

batlle vest i made for carolina rebellion in 2017. it was very difficult to find b&w patches w/ no color in them which i wanted to do for this particular vest. It took some time , patches came in from all over the world quite literally. Usa, uk, australia, greece, thailand, china, malaysia, greece, japan, all over europe, anyway i yhink it was worth the time it took as i get many compliments every time i wear it and people on numerous occasions stop me and take pics of me and the vest. I have had offers to buy it however it is not for sale, besides i have approximately 450-500 bucks in the vest. Patches ain't cheap and at an average cost of 6bucks ea. 40 bucks for the volbeat backpatch, and the vest itself was 65 bucks . All well worth it for this baby. Lots of time spent on design & layout then putting them all on, OMG it was like a graphic design project. One i am going to enjoy for years to come.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2017
Volbeat battle vest  (faded grey with all b&w patches.
Volbeat battle vest  (faded grey with all b&w patches.

Buttercheese's picture

That is hella sexy.

Gravesdigger1993's picture

The back shows how artistic you are.

VoodooChild's picture

while I dislike more than half of the bands on there, I can't do anything but give 5/5 for that backdesign. Really love what you did

AllureoftheEarth321's picture

Not a fan of most of these bands, but this looks freaking nice. Love the neatness and symmetry (now I feel like that one guy from Soul Eater xD haha)

Chainbreaker's picture

Looks great!

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