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Dark Angel Battle Jacket update

Cipher Drone
Tue, 17/03/2015 - 15:19

Big, well HUGE update (now I've looked at the last time I uploaded this). Quite a lot of stuff has been moved since I didn't like the amount of dead space that was gradually appearing between patches.

Apologies for the slightly overexposed pictures: my phone camera is not great.

On a related note, the Stallion patch has started to come unwoven at both the top and bottom edges inside the border. Does anyone have any tips on how to remedy this when it happens? I've put some superglue on the affected areas but I would prefer a more elegant solution if this happens again.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2015
Dark Angel Battle Jacket update
Dark Angel Battle Jacket update

kereealazer's picture

Vektor patch on front is upside ;) very good jacket. A lot of good bands.

Cipher Drone's picture

Ha ha: don't get me started on that Vektor patch again....

It was mentioned the last time I uploaded a photo and I don't feel the need to move it now, since it's been so long. Maybe I will if I get reaLLY bored while I'm out of work.

kereealazer's picture

it's fine a while ago I had a Death patch upsidedown. It only is right side up because I moved it.

gizter's picture

lots of people have the same probelm with the Stallion patch. its cheap quality. its pretty easy to fix but i cant explain it too well.
you need white thread and sew the unwoven part back onto your jacket. without the border. just zigzag the fuck out of it you it cant get any worse. i really cant explain it, sorry.

Cipher Drone's picture

No worries man. Thanks for the advice anyway. I'll bear it mind if it happens again.

Sickening Gore's picture

Nocturnal Breed woo :) lots of awesome bands

Cipher Drone's picture

Cheers my man. I would prefer a better Nocturnal Breed patch eventually, maybe even an album cover if I can find someone who will make it for me, but it's a fine addition for now.

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