My vest , I changes some things on it put some new patches
And iron gurad serbian heavy metal fan club that i made with some of my friends i did the design its nothing special i tryed to make it simple yet cool
Sorry for the late reply man ,those studs are from a local store who sells threads needles and different arts and crafts materials thay are pretty cheap
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Doomgarlic on
Perfect, just perfect! Any changes to the back since the last update? Nice to see the evolution.
Speed Maniac on
Thanks , no its the same on the back nothing new
BerachMalina96 on
Машала, добар ти оај Слејер шмекеру;)
Speed Maniac on
Brt znas da su umesto wehrmacht napisali wehrmht iz nekog razloga
BerachMalina96 on
ХАХАХАХА сад видим, нема везе сад је таман као да си га ти правио ;)
satanachist on
Mnogo dobro
Speed Maniac on
Hvala buraz
PhantomLord25 on
Top Tier
Speed Maniac on
Hell yeahhh
Speed Maniac on
Hwll y
George thrash on
What studs are those
Speed Maniac on
Sorry for the late reply man ,those studs are from a local store who sells threads needles and different arts and crafts materials thay are pretty cheap