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Necrony - Pathological Performances

Sat, 11/09/2021 - 17:13

'Pathological Performances' is now OFFICIALLY available on cassette tape for the first time! This album has been out-of-print for decades.

This cassette version features:
► Clear norelco cases, plastic sealed
► 4-panel j-card insert w/ credits
► White shelled cassette w/ black imprint
► 50+ minutes of Swedish death-grind
► All songs in a band-curated new order
►The original Dan Swano mix & master
► Revamped layout by band member Anders

This version includes an exclusive woven NECRONY logo patch (approx. 5 inches x 1 inch).
Limited edition of 200.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2021
Necrony - Pathological Performances
Necrony - Pathological Performances

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