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Vain DIY Patches for next jacket.

Sat, 05/04/2014 - 07:18

Leather DIY patches for my next project.
Cow hide and Kangaroo leather

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2014
Vain DIY Patches for next jacket.
Vain DIY Patches for next jacket.

DeVine's picture

oh my... love all that patches but i think the best for me ... ROXX GANG Patch its the first time I see one... full flames.

kimo's picture

Thanks.....I made patches for the bands that I either couldn't find patches for, or couldn't find ones I liked. I've never seen a Roxx Gang patch before either.

streicherzzy's picture

nice colection.like the Dokken,Vixen,Keel,W.a.s.p.

kimo's picture


streicherzzy's picture

thats great colection,vixen and keel

Kilmister's picture

The Keel is really nice !

hardrockforever's picture

oh yes very nice patches!

pjung1971's picture

I am interested in the Jetboy patch if for sale

kimo's picture

sorry it's on one of my vests.

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