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Thu, 07/07/2011 - 03:00
Not for sale or trade
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More: Malevolent Creation TShirts Malevolent Creation Patches

The_Black_Sleep's picture

This shirt is so badass.There's still others out there, in fact I won one of the original Blue Grape on eBay about two weeks back but unfortunately it hasn't reached me yet and I'm pretty bummed. It was coming from Germany. So if it doesn't arrive soon I'm out a rare shirt and $80.

The_Black_Sleep's picture

Hahahaha I don't think he tried to fuck me over , because he's responded to my emails and been courteous.in addition he has almost flawless feedback. I'm guessing its def in customs somewhere. That's why I hate doing overseas shit.

Badger Parade's picture

$80... wow! He should put the value at less than $20 then the customs just let it through. If he's put $80 then you may get some extra charges.

The_Black_Sleep's picture

I'm a huge MC fan and when I finally think I scored the mecca of all MC shirts shit has to go down fml lol

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Recent Comments

  • Great shirt
  • Did you just get this or have you had it for a while? Fantastic and rare, what a great patch
  • Killer!
  • Wow!
  • Such an awesome shirt, Mike!
  • Mine was around $270 after shipping, overseas, so that's about median price for one right now.
  • I’m a proctologist….nah, it was the unholy mop of hair that gave him away….and Iron Maiden of course. Awesome jacket!
  • Ok thanks, I just got one and I’m just making sure that the price was ok. After shipping and tax it was $300 for me.
  • & you would know this how? Especially being a man I am assuming? Disturbing...
  • This one is difficult tot find now, awesome Suffocation patch!
  • glad to see people enjoy it
  • I just got one https://tshirtslayer.com/tshirt-or-longsleeve/darkthrone-blaze-northern-sky-1999-0, paid $240 for mine.
  • These are absolutely amazing!
  • Greatest sortilège pin ever 🎖🇨🇵🎵
  • See also my profile for a somewhat older version and the back of the jacket
  • mors omnibus
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