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Venom Stage gear vest 28/02/2024

fauzan big
Tue, 27/02/2024 - 19:46

Same layout, just replacing some patches and also get more dirty and fucked hahaha.
I wearing this one in almost every Spellforger shows since 2022.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2021
Venom Stage gear vest 28/02/2024
Venom Stage gear vest 28/02/2024
Venom Stage gear vest 28/02/2024
Venom Stage gear vest 28/02/2024
Venom Stage gear vest 28/02/2024
Venom Stage gear vest 28/02/2024

Burning_Wheel's picture

Great layout and choices of bands!

fauzan big's picture

Thanks man!
I love your jackets as well, and actually I took some inspirations from yours for the layout hahaha

Miteux's picture

Love it,
The dirty jean looks is really cool on this one, matches well the Venom bp!

fauzan big's picture

Thanks man!
yeah I agree with you, and I don't want to wash it hahaha

Miteux's picture

Btw just saw you have my reveal patch in wanted list,
Don't know how difficult it is to get it to indonesia from germany.
But High Roller Records have some copies along with some cool ass patches from Sepuchral Voices Rec!

fauzan big's picture

yeah, its a bit difficult cause last time i've tried to order back then ago is they don't sent to indonesia. but i don't know for now, maybe i'll try to order from HHR.
btw, thanks for the info mate!

Thrashattack's picture

Killer vest mate! Where are you getting the studs from?

fauzan big's picture

thanks mate!! i found it at local shop

Thrashattack's picture

Good stuff, Would you have a a link or website for the shop?

fauzan big's picture

try UK Studs, mostly studs in my local shop are imported from there.
here's the link : https://ukstuds.bigcartel.com/

Thrashattack's picture

Thanks mate!

tastygravy's picture

the grime, the studs, the little details like the bullet casing.. pure fire

fauzan big's picture

thanks mate!

thrashcvlt's picture

gnarly vest!

fauzan big's picture


venkman's picture

Amazing Battle Jacket 🤘🎖

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Recent Comments

  • Holy shit that's nice!
  • Great shirt.
  • I'm interested in this t-shirt
  • Official ?
  • Indeed, it is: https://depop.app.link/8vAcEX81OQb
  • The b/w rubber patch on the back or the Slice of Doom in the front?
  • Yeah gonna repost it mb lol
  • Thanks! 🤘
  • Those rubber ones are beaitiful, good luck on the search man🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Incredibly beautiful with the bend logo!
  • Very cool! Grey colour fits great.
  • Sick reverend bizarre patch where’d you get it?
  • Da finde ich so viele meiner lieblingsbands wieder. Richtig schickes teil! + Top Geschmack
  • Thanks, bro. The bat is actually printed, I'm not that much of an artist)
  • I know! When you're on the hunt for something, it rarely turns up.
  • I wish I had the talent to do this kinda stuff! Looks amazing 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥