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Slayer baseball shirt

Wed, 28/08/2024 - 18:05


Bought this shirt at a yard-sale.
Never seen this shirt before,
Anyone an idea of it real or bootleg is?

grtz Jos

bad_american1992's picture

I would say bootleg, can't find any officialSlayer shirts with a "3D Emblem" tag. However if the shirt was actually made in America like the tag says, it is probably from 1994 / 1995. Cool find nonetheless

Beer.Browser's picture

Hate to go full dork on ya, but that 3D tag was made in the late 80s. They switched to a different tag in the 90s. That said the blank shirt could have sat in a box for a decade before it got used as a slayer boot.

Great find dude.

bad_american1992's picture

I stand corrected! Appreciate the info Mr. BB \m/

Ash66's picture

So it seems a great find?
Ik can't find much info on it.

Ik paid €2,- 😳

Any idea what its worth?

JeremiahJordan's picture

You are right, I agree with you.

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