Hey there!
I've just found that the title of one of my items (https://tshirtslayer.com/battle-jacket/1980s-heavy-metal-leather-kutte-c...) was changed. I didn't add the word "Accept" to the title since it doesn't make much sense to me there, so the word somehow got added there. Also, I cannot delete the word. When editing the title field and saving the item, the word "Accept" stays there.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! \m/
bad_american1992 on
I just noticed this earlier, with one of my uploads. It's putting the first band from the 'Bands' field into the title of the post.
doctordeath on
yes sorry.. must be a bug, i tried to put in place where there is just _one_ band, because nearly every was uploading something like "tshirt" when it should be atleast "slayer tour tshirt" or even better "slayer tour tshirt 1991 with..." etc.. i'll fix it sometime
remember: this website is paid for by the supporters, if you like the website please become a supporter, we really would not exist without them, imagine typing in 'tshirtslayer.com' into your browser and you got nothing.. well.. thats how it would be without our supporters each chipping in the price of a beer a month! lets face it, metal collecting is expensive.. you can afford a beer a month :)
EggBaconAndSpam on
Thanks for the answer, DoctorDeath. Much appreciated!
bad_american1992 on
Thanks Doc!!!
EvilJay on
I hope I'm not waking the dead here, but this exact thing happened just now to my first upload. First band name was copied from the band list and I can't remove it.
Envenometal on
Gewöhn Dich drann... Ist schon seit Jahren so und wird sich nicht ändern.
EvilJay on
Alles klar, erstmal in Ruhe ankommen hier :)
Werde mal ein wenig das Forum weiterlesen zwecks Eingewöhnung.
Envenometal on
Na klar doch, viel Spaß hier!
EvilJay on
Danke schön!