Rotting Christ Metal corgi in her little battle vest
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Celestialoracle on
I’ve seen them twice and have found their energy to be explosive on stage. I don’t listen to them as much anymore though as I am not big on thrash. But if they came to town I’d see them again.
Celestialoracle on
Haha yeah same. They were kids when they came up with the name but I feel like theyd be better off with a new one.
cambotero on
look at that fluffy cute bum
Celestialoracle on
*wiggle wiggle*
Daniel Sodomaniac on
Corgi = spare parts dog :) hahahah !
Lovely little thing.
Celestialoracle on
Haha thanks!
Celestialoracle on
Maple 🍁
GabeG951 on
My dog has a battle sweater lol. I need to add more to it, all I currently have on it is a Ride The Lightning Backpatch
Celestialoracle on
add some spikes!
whoooaaa! mine corgo needs jacket too
Celestialoracle on
Ahh! Another metal corgi?? Yes please 🍑
Demolition_hell... on
Cute Corgi!
MorticiA on
Adorable ^_^. I'm not "big" on small dogs, but Corgis have a special place in my heart.
How does Maple deal with her jacket? I kinda want to make one for my Cat, but I know that animals aren't usually stoked on wearing clothing.
Celestialoracle on
She doesn't seem to mind too much :)
MorticiA on
Cool! =J
Dirty Rogue on
This is great!! Looks good!
I've been building one for my doggy too!
Celestialoracle on
TheSabbathsCreed on
Thanks for adding Maple to the Heavy Metal Pets page 🤟🤟
quixotic on
Awesome! Corgis are adorable and with a vest even more!
doctordeath on
fits the pattern, made an account, posted a photo, got some comments, never came back :/