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King Diamond. Sodom KING DIAMOND battle jacket jeans

Demolition_hell_hammer's picture

Just a cool vest, what a beautiful backpatch, looking for this one several years and nothing!

MirkOffendeR's picture

Thanks man! yeah I got it in a shop in Gothenburg about 20 yrs ago, it had a whole bucket of patches from the 80's I almost gone mad there! - still looking spectacular -

Demolition_hell_hammer's picture

Wow, I can imagine all the gems that was on this shop! Just amazing man, one of my fav backpatches ever!

Deathtattooguy's picture

Love this,especially the back patch…my favorite King Diamond album

Heavy Metal Chemist's picture

Amen to that mate! Fatal Portrait is such a killer album 🀘😫🀘 I loved it when the King opened his 2019 show with the Candle, and still sounding magnificent at the ripe age of 63. One of the best concerts I've ever seen!

King Diamond - The Candle - Dokk'em Open Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y8eNHYS3es (Great quality footage πŸ€˜πŸ˜„πŸ€˜)

whiteravenmetal's picture

I dig all about it

Heavy Metal Chemist's picture

This vest is a winner in my book with such an incredibly awesome back patch! 🀘😫🀘

sfusyron's picture

Nice vest..

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