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Slayer DJ wraith's jacket - front & back

Tue, 17/05/2011 - 15:56

Not the newest pic, but still fairly accurate. Well... it's nearly full. Motivation is down, half of them already fall off again. Got about 4-6 more patches to add but I rather stitch around on my other two projects...

Not for sale or trade

Year: 1995

Kuivausrumpu's picture

awesome bp!!!!

wrathlord's picture

in Berlin, in a shop called "in & outsider" (doesn't exist anymore). i suppose that was somewhere between 1992 and 1995.

Hypercube's picture


Thrashocutionist's picture

Isn't it a jacket and not kutten. I mean, it still has the sleeves, so wouldn't that make it a jacket?

wrathlord's picture

in the strictest sense you may be right. Still, I always called it by that name. Leaving sleeves on it just makes me... different. Not gonna change that now ;)

wrathlord's picture

1. what RW-patch?
2. I guess not

mayhempunk666's picture

i like the old school Dimmu Borgir logo

kertalaaki's picture

The most sickest back patch ever...!! I would kill for getting my hands on that.

wrathlord's picture


Pottstradamus's picture

killer back patch!

Rotten's picture

I want that Bolt Thrower patch \m/ Killer BP - I like seeing people with cool Megadeth back patches. You dont see many around. Ive also go a 'Deth BP on my vest.

slb1995's picture

I love your Manowar patch, the Megadeth backpatch and the King Diamond.

morkilla's picture

nice helloween patch

ProtectorOfMegadeth's picture

Great BP, Megadeth is my favorite fucking band \m/

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