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Deicide back of battle jacket

Mon, 09/02/2015 - 02:41

this is the back of my battle jacket. there are 4 patches that i havent sewn on yet but its basically done. i havent started on the front yet but i will soon. something i should note is that i don't really care how mainstream or obscure a band/ patch is. i just wanted to put my favorite bands on my jacket. on the inside, i got bored one day and wrote down the lyrics to forced gender reassignment by cattle decapitation. i couldn't get that song out of my head and its so great that i just decided to do it out of boredom. i'm real proud of how the back came out and will start on the front sometime soon.

Not for sale or trade
Deicide back of battle jacket
Deicide back of battle jacket
Deicide back of battle jacket
Deicide back of battle jacket
Deicide back of battle jacket
Deicide back of battle jacket

Nater90's picture

So many killer bands, Looks good man!

DeathInFire's picture

thanks dude!

stevenICB's picture

I dig the writing on the inside.

DeathInFire's picture

thanks! took a long time but it was worth it.

Plague's picture

Good looking kutte! The inside lyrics are a nice touch.

DeathInFire's picture

thanks! much appreciated.

Angel of Sodomy's picture

Looks great so far!

DeathInFire's picture

thanks! real appreciated!

atrophythrasher's picture

great jacket ;D

DeathInFire's picture

thanks man!

Mrantichrist's picture

Dope vest amigo

Mrantichrist's picture

Dope vest

DeathInFire's picture

thank you!

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