TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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Bathory An advance of my kutte

Theantarex's picture

Te está quedando de poquisima madre, ahora sólo te falta darle enfrente, saludos..

Inhuman's picture


Inhuman's picture

Thanks!! One of my favorite bands!!!

Tankard Emptyer's picture

Great one!

Is the grey edge of the Seasons in the Abyss patch self made?

finlandiavodka's picture

I don't think so. Some of the old versions have grey borders originally. I have a Tankard - Alien patch witch a grey border for example...

Tankard Emptyer's picture

Hm... Then I must get my hands on one of these.

I know that there is as Persecution Mania patch with grey edge...

Inhuman's picture

That's right, it isn't selfmade. I think is one of the old versions, like the other guy said!

finlandiavodka's picture

I like it altough it's a little bit overcrowded...

Inhuman's picture

I know! I just needed to find space for all the patches!

BeefCakeAssThrash's picture

love it! the big Deceased is awesome! Abyss records, right? :DD
you rlly got some killer patches, man

Inhuman's picture

Yep :D
Thanks man!!!

Inhuman's picture

Thanks man!!! I like Thyrfing a lot!!!

whiteravenmetal's picture

sick fucking patches man

Inhuman's picture

Thank you man!!

MoreGoreLessCore's picture

my fucking goodness this is badass.

Inhuman's picture


CommunistKruzher's picture

está poca madre!!!!!! me gustan mucho los parches de exumer, sepultura, morbid saint, atheist y especialmente Darkness, muy buen trabajo

Inhuman's picture

Gracias!! esos son de mis favoritos jeje

fatal's picture

esta chingon el de Master y el de darkness mi respeto

Inhuman's picture

Gracias! Apenas conseguí también el de "on the seventh day god created master" esos dos parches me gustan un buen!

doomy1's picture

thats gonna look killer, and you don't see many Incubus as back patches 5 flames for that alone!

Inhuman's picture

Thanks man!!!

Metaalharses's picture

Wow...just wow, can't wait to see the finished product..

Inhuman's picture

Me neither man :D Thanks

arturoheadbang's picture

I think you pay a LOT of money for this, you bought all on eBay?

Inhuman's picture

Some i bought here in Mexico, I got others from a friend and others I bought on Ebay

Rover133's picture

5/5 alone for the planning of the layout like this. I never would have thought of using this technique to figure out the plan. Nice. Lots of killer stuff here. Looking forward to the final product.

Inhuman's picture

Thanks man!!

Oby1916's picture

wao! uno de los mejores chalecos que e visto aqui carnal!

mr-madbutcher's picture

muy chingon el backpatch de incubus y puro parche de calidad !! muy chingon

Theantarex's picture

Tsss tienes parches muy buenos, ese de judas nunca lo había visto, está de puta locura, ahora coselo!!! XD

SodomizerGE's picture

Fuck Yeah this kills!

Kotgrinder's picture


Inhuman's picture

Update is coming soon :)
Actual vest is pretty different from the way I had it on this picture!

doyle92's picture

some amazing stuff

Inhuman's picture

Thanks man! Check out the finished one :P


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