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SDI (Sign of the Wicked Shirt 2016)

Fri, 13/05/2016 - 14:01


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More: Sdi TShirts Sdi Patches
SDI (Sign of the Wicked Shirt 2016)
SDI (Sign of the Wicked Shirt 2016)

Spectrum's picture

Qué guapa!

PURGAS's picture

Sí, no está mal tío, la parte de delante mola, la de atrás no me acaba de gustar, pero como siempre vamos con chaleco ya ves tú que problema! jajaja! Saludos Dani!!!!!!!!

Spectrum's picture

jajajaja exacto!! Un abrazo Ignasi,nos vemos en la próxima!!!

totaldestruction's picture

Watch out, they're comiiiiiiiing again!!! jajajaja

PURGAS's picture

Buen concierto en el KIT!!! Lástima que a las 15:00 no son horas de tocar!! jaja!! A ver si se dejan caer por aquí con un concierto más largo y en sala!

totaldestruction's picture

Estuvo bien pero me esperaba algo mas de cera.Con la gente mas encima y mas entregada estaria de puta madre verlos.

gloriousdeath's picture

yeah, got to get me one of those too !!!!!

PURGAS's picture

Ei! I bought it at last KIT in official merchandising of the band, you can find it easy! SDI MEGAMOSH!!!!!!!!!!!Regards!!!!!!

Philip_Wild's picture

Me mola mucho, de hecho en el Keep it True del 2015 estuve a punto de pillármela... Lo que claro, la parte de atrás...

PURGAS's picture

Sí delante mola, pero detrás es un DRAMA!!!! jaja

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Recent Comments

  • Imo studs are always an upgrade!
  • Very nice looking and diverse!! !!
  • Very nice cult LP. But thrash with an H please.
  • Agree ! Killer release !!
  • Agreed, these are absolutely brilliant in person! I feel tempted to get an extra pair!
  • Thanks, they sure do! And this being one of my fave albums definitely helps... I kind of want to get two more!
  • I like this vest until I noticed you extended the length of the vest by sewing strip patches on the bottom.
  • Me wanty
  • fucking great tshirt !!
  • Holy smokes this is nice. I mean unholy smokes…
  • Love the studs.
  • Nice great release !
  • GONE --> Dissection (BOTH), Mgła (BOTH), Xoth, Inexorum; Ulcerate, Inferi, Goratory
  • I see, he makes some really good patches indeed.
  • Yes, both shirts are handpainted with incredible detail.
  • That's correct. they have good merch. I agree 🤘🔥
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