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Iron Maiden Rock in rio 2001

Thu, 02/03/2023 - 19:44

Hello, need to sell this piece : (
My favourite iron maiden t shirt
how much i can ask for this piece?
Fits on L

Sale only

Year: 2001
Original TShirt Fabric Color: 
More: Iron Maiden TShirts Iron Maiden Patches
Iron Maiden Rock in rio 2001
Iron Maiden Rock in rio 2001
Iron Maiden Rock in rio 2001
Iron Maiden Rock in rio 2001

637,356 items in the gallery, 901,093 comments, and 385 items have changed hands in the last month.

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Recent Comments

  • How much for Electric Wizard?
  • Awesome color scheme!
  • Ah no way, I've seen Bisley's art before, he's one of the greats.
  • Sweet shirt..
  • Killer shirt..
  • Thank you!
  • Most definitely.
  • Colours on this are awesome, super clean embroidery+stitching too🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  • Yeah that’s what I’ve been doing also. It doesn’t seem to hold the charge for that long, a shame but still cool.
  • I remember it being quite reactive to light.
  • Super sick. Full flames.
  • Wow, these are fantastic. You were able to find a manufacturer that does 1 copy of each design?
  • Did you have to charge yours up for a long time for it to glow that bright?
  • It's a drawing from Simon Bisley. Great comic artist. He did some metal covers too (Danzig, Mayhemic Truth etc.).
  • Much love!
  • Schlimmer noch, ich meine, die Vinyl- und Coverfarben sind willkürlich zusammengesteckt worden, es können also pro eine
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