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TSS + Dee Snider!!!!!!

Tue, 05/12/2023 - 01:43

...ahm....is that completely new (in the right bottom corner) or i just missed that fantastic video the last days? :P

DocDeath .....how the.....what the hell u have done, to get a THIS completely awesome Video from Dee Snider...greeting TSS and U :D
(and for sure, u deserve it for ur work here for all that years ...hahaha)

Anyway.... Gratulation, thats completely awesome!!!!! :D :D :D

sfusyron's picture

I agree so awesome congrats Doc..

Daniel Sodomaniac's picture

Haha great :) !

bad_american1992's picture

Getting some love from The Sister Twister!!! Fuck yeah!!!

Knightwhosayni's picture

I was like, let's click on Uncle Dee in his Santa Conan outfit to see what lies behind... Gosh, it left me speechless. Pure awesomeness Doc, thanks.

doctordeath's picture

Thanks all! Well its all about the tshirts+battlejackets! I realised that there really is no other website on the internet that is more METAL than TShirtSlayer, I had the opportunity to reach out to Dee and he understands the concept here really well... one thing led to another ... :)

Thanks (to YOU!) \m/ stay metal

doctordeath's picture

Thanks all! Well its all about the tshirts+battlejackets! I realised that there really is no other website on the internet that is more METAL than TShirtSlayer, I had the opportunity to reach out to Dee and he understands the concept here really well... one thing led to another ... :)

Thanks (to YOU!) \m/ stay metal

and ofcourse - merry xmas!

meaningless's picture

still unbelievable....thats so awesome!!!!!..hahaha

Jo_infir's picture

Long live Tshirtslayer doc 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽

MortalCoil138's picture

Have a Twisted Christmas everyone!! Thanks Doc!

doctordeath's picture

Twisted Christmas!!! so cool ahaha! yeah!

doctordeath's picture

it's funny, I'm watching the video many many many times a day and I still get a buzz from it :) it IS so freakin fantastic!!

Heavy Metal Chemist's picture

It is absolutely fantastic mate. Really cool he did this for you 🤘😁🤘 ... but he didn't mention patches 😥 😜

So who's next? I suggest the Metal God ... Rob Halford 🤘😁🤘

doctordeath's picture

Unsure! I really want to spend some time with Dee/Frank and some other guys and talk about what we could do with tshirtslayer in the future, because it needs some structure around how to survive when I'm no longer alive to maintain it, it has more artwork than any museum!!!

VoodooChild's picture

Fucking awesome. And that pic in the corner. That photoshop or he still that ripped at his age?

But very awesome. If you have his contact, make him make an account hahah.

doctordeath's picture

just a little machine-learning image I 'requested' up, came up great! I thought it's so hilarious and so cool haha, it matches the video PERFECT! and the swedish flag wrapped gift under the tree!

a chicken's picture

The video and Dee's message is a very welcome early gift, it really makes me smile so much :') Merry metal Christmas to the LEGENDS Dr. Death and Dee Snider, and all the awesome folks I've had the joy of speaking to since joining TSS, y'all are the absolute best🖤❤💚🎄🎄

doctordeath's picture

yeah i'm starting every day with it!!!

no karate in pit's picture

i love how he thanks us when we should thank him he is the reason why in the 80s he showed we arent just abunch of drug addict sex loving satanist and that we are people too and got tipper gore off off metals back

doctordeath's picture

actually it's due to him sticking to his own morals and keeping clear minded that he managed to slay tipper gore and the other clowns :)

no karate in pit's picture

well anyways congrats doc

doctordeath's picture


andermatten's picture

how about a dee snider tshirtslayer shirt? i don't want to push our luck, but it's now or never really isn't it :)

meaningless's picture

Not the worst idea...imo..hahaha

bad_american1992's picture

He's back!!!

Agrunge hippie on a quest for heroin flyingfish2's picture

I just saw lol if I find some black Christmas Balls I'm doing the twisted sister and type o negative logo

Thiellus's picture

Dee is still just as cool now as he was in the 80s, sticking it to the man at that PMRC panel... legend. Amazing addition to the site, Doc.

EvilJay's picture

Very cool Christmas feature indeed!

GhastlyDrain's picture

I always look forward for Christmas just cause of Dee Snider on TSS lol

Doomgarlic's picture

Glad to have this little feature back again, was hoping for it and then it just happened!

Slam138's picture

Im gunna go ahead and be the buzzkill and say its incredibly flamboyant and irritating, I dont want some half naked dude constantly at the bottom right corner of my screen every time I want to look at shirts in december. On that same note Im really getting tired of getting the same message of "Please be fair to others" 10 million fucking times

Envenometal's picture

Surely it would be possible to incorporate the feature that you can no longer see the naked Dee.
For the price of a beer a month, of course.

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