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Deicide Legion US Tour LS - Blue Grape 1992

Fri, 11/01/2019 - 19:05

Legion-era US tour longsleeve in great shape. The first 3 Deicide albums are mandatory. The rest can be skipped.


Year: 1992
Original TShirt Fabric Color: 
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More: Deicide TShirts Deicide Patches
Deicide Legion US Tour LS - Blue Grape 1992
Deicide Legion US Tour LS - Blue Grape 1992

Thiellus's picture

Satan Spawn the Caco Demon!!!!
It’s true, those first three albums are completely untouchable... Some of the most straight-up in your face crushing death metal ever spawned

meaningless's picture

still a fantastic LS..and better then the most new merch of any band..

miggy_666's picture

Thanks man! I wear with pride.

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