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Darkthrone - Panzerfaust OG shirt

Wed, 20/11/2024 - 01:25
Not for sale or trade

Year: 1995
Original TShirt Fabric Color: 
More: Darkthrone TShirts Darkthrone Patches
Darkthrone - Panzerfaust OG shirt
Darkthrone - Panzerfaust OG shirt

Tormentor's picture

It was sold by Moonfog alongside the record.

augustsclothes's picture

on the 100 percent cotton original tag?

Tormentor's picture

Honestly, I can’t remember the tag but I know I got this shirt with vinyl direct from moonfog when it came out.

augustsclothes's picture

might be different versions, seems like it by the data here on tshirtslayer. person I got it from got it directly from Fenriz in Oslo

augustsclothes's picture

The print on this shirt is pretty crooked, it does not seem factory made

Tormentor's picture

I don’t have mine anymore, but I recall the print being terrible and thick. I never really liked it at the time.

augustsclothes's picture

I understand. Hmm, print seems alright on mine, its just a bit off centered. Still in pretty good condition for the age, but I am a bit afraid to ruin it.

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