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TEITANBLOOD Trade List 12/1/2022

Thu, 01/12/2022 - 05:19

Updated tradelist. Every previous tradelist is IRRELEVANT. If it's not here, I don't have it or I'm not willing to get rid if it, please keep this in mind before messaging about stuff from 2014.

Sacred Reich circle is signed by Phil

I am interested mainly in finding the following:
Nuclear Assault - Handle with Care vintage or Alex boot
Obituary - Cause of Death circle vintage or WOD
Stormkeep - Tales from Othertime IRON AND ASH

Other stuff on my want list but offer anything

Sale or Trade
TEITANBLOOD Trade List 12/1/2022
TEITANBLOOD Trade List 12/1/2022
TEITANBLOOD Trade List 12/1/2022
TEITANBLOOD Trade List 12/1/2022
TEITANBLOOD Trade List 12/1/2022
TEITANBLOOD Trade List 12/1/2022
TEITANBLOOD Trade List 12/1/2022
TEITANBLOOD Trade List 12/1/2022

619,528 items in the gallery, 896,944 comments, and 463 items have changed hands in the last month.

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