TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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Slayer Patches for Trading actualized

Tankard Emptyer
Tue, 17/01/2012 - 09:13

All of them are up for trade! Just send me a message!

The patches of the second picture are not for sale.

Black Sabbath - "Poster" Patch
Vader Logo Patch
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness patch

are gone

Sale or Trade
Patch - Patches for Trading actualized
Patch - Patches for Trading actualized

SammyFuneralFrost's picture


Extremeaggression's picture

na , findeste bei mir was für den saxon?;)

Bayernpirat's picture

Minas Morgul - wie geil

Tankard Emptyer's picture

Den hatte ich mir aus Begeisterung über AK 47 Standgericht mal gekauft - die restlichen Songs hauen mich allerdings net wirklich vom Hocker (bin kein großer Freund von Black Metal..)

djcoyote's picture

What's up with that Destruction patch?

Tankard Emptyer's picture

This exact one is gone for a long time. But I got another one:

661,680 items in the gallery, 906,736 comments, and 432 items have changed hands in the last month.

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