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Funebrarum extra patches

Sat, 30/08/2014 - 18:44

Purchased a few of these, however the rest came with different orders I've made in the last couple months.

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2014
Funebrarum extra patches

Satanjugend's picture

hey, where did you get the stargazer patch?

mantis44's picture

Aurora Australias Records. In fact, Symptom, Aevangelist, Coffin Lust, Portal, and Bloodlust were all picked up from there as well. They have a great selection of patches and other merch.

Blüdrayne's picture

Seconded. And they have free shipping of patches within australia.

mantis44's picture

[double post]

vig's picture

where did you get the Ævangelist patch? i NEED one, can you please tell me where i can get one?

vig's picture

where did you get the Ævangelist patch?

Nine Turning Mirrors's picture

Read his answer to the post above you ;)

vig's picture

i literally saw that right after i posted this comment lol

Folkloyd666's picture

is timeghoul still available? I know i'm about a year late to this post, oh well worth a try

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