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Kreator "Coma of Souls" Woven Shaped Patch

Wed, 06/08/2014 - 02:29

I got this one a while ago but never uploaded a picture. It has been on my backpack for a long time but is now being put onto my new jacket!

Not for sale or trade

Year: 1990
Kreator "Coma of Souls" Woven Shaped Patch

Joel's picture

Nice! I used to own the exact same kind of patch until I ditched it in favor of a silk screen printed one.

maidenfan620's picture

Ditched it for a... silk screen?

Joel's picture

Yup. No regrets either.

deadlock's picture

Would you care to explain your choice?

Joel's picture

My shaped patch was splitting apart. Something about the quality just didn't seem right to me. The replacement I've got is of very high quality.

maidenfan620's picture

the white backing on my Was coming off too, but nothing some fabric glue didn't fix.

Joel's picture

This is what I've got on the back of my vest now:


Gotta go to bed now dude. See ya later!

deadlock's picture

So why didn't you keep both?

Joel's picture

Because I wanted to make room for more great German Metal on the back of my vest!

Daniel Sodomaniac's picture

Oh no Ed the head with a new head :).

Daniel Sodomaniac's picture

Oh no Ed the head with a new head :).
Edit: Shit, sorry for the double post!

metalheadbasher14's picture

underated album by kreator

maidenfan620's picture

Oh for sure! It's honestly one of my favorites, up there with Pleasure to Kill and Extreme Agression

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