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Amorphis - Elegy

Mikael Alander
Tue, 07/11/2023 - 10:17

Patches from the Grave

Not for sale or trade
Amorphis - Elegy

638,441 items in the gallery, 901,445 comments, and 366 items have changed hands in the last month.

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Recent Comments

  • Didn’t know you went to hells heroes
  • Hey brother you made a spelling mistake it’s Pestifer. Just looking out, not getting to be a dick
  • Indeed, really excited to have this one in hand
  • Brings me back.... great old design!
  • Jello Biafra was taking shots at Obama when I saw him in 2015, that is the only instance I can think of hahaha
  • Awesome, thanks for the info!! \m/
  • Great theme , layout , and bands . A fine jacket indeed
  • Damn, just noticed that "Tour De Force" pin, I saw that tour live hahaha!
  • Remember the "Rock against democrat president X" eras? Me neither. However, going to fry some Schnitzel.
  • Bravo man, Southern Rock is a way of life here, so great to see this love from Europe...Eat a peach for peace...
  • Cool theme Kutte. I listen to pretty much none of the bands on it, but i appreciate the dedication for this vest.
  • Ik wil rust hahaha
  • Awesome vest! Love the mix of genres :D
  • Hope they will still have some of these left since in Prague since its the last date of the tour
  • Que buena playera de skar bro
  • Nice, you finally got it!
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