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Falconer The Legacy of MITHOTYN

Thu, 31/05/2012 - 07:42

I cannot believe it's been 5 years and I am still the only tshirtslayer member to upload anything by Mithotyn here. I hope that changes!

If you know and are a fan of this LEGENDARY band, shout out!

All three albums are original first press CDs on Sweden's Invasion Records-
In the Sign of the Ravens, 1997 (my highlight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnEgZ-LlYQQ&feature=related)
King of the Distant Forest, 1998 (my highlight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtOeX5tDlN0)
Gathered Around an Oaken Table, 1999 (my highlight http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=btmYb-LkQrQ)
Picture LP, In the Sign of the Ravens 1997

Rather than just upload Mithotyn items, I wanted to give a sense of continuity to their legacy, so I also included the two bands that grew out of Mithotyn's ashes after it disbanded - Falconer and King of Asgard. (I can't believe I'm also the first one to upload anything by Falconer here). Stephen Weinerhall, guitarist and founder of Mithotyn, established Falconer in its wake along with M's original drummer Karsten Larsson - now with clean vocals, it became a somber and at times introspective power metal band, still with incredible melodies.
(My Falconer highlight- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-KAipArPsY )
King of Asgard is relatively "new", but it features Mithotyn's original vocalist Karl Beckmann and again the original drummer Kirsten Larssen.
(My King of Asgard highlight - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=438CbWChzCI )
Traces of Mithotyn may still be heard here and there in the new musical incarnations of these guys (especially King Of Asgard)... But Mithotyn alone sits on the throne of Swedish folk metal which they pioneered, and there will NEVER be another Mithotyn. Hail the Kings of the Distant Forest!

Not for sale or trade
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN
Other Collectable - The Legacy of MITHOTYN

meaningless's picture

i love Mithotyn!! :D but maybe ur the only one because..none of us..can get hands on it..for a 'normal' price..hahaha ;) at least...it counts for me...

eddiethehead666's picture

The Mithotyn Pic disc is simply amazing!!!! Great collection!

eddiethehead666's picture

double post :p

Liberator's picture

Amazing collection. Didn't notice that Mithotyn fans are a relative rarity!

pan_in_ithyphallic_mirth's picture

I should have picked up "King of A Distant Forest" when I spotted it at a used cd store as a teenager back in 2000. I was all goth metal then :/ though I did really like the cover art. I did not like the music that much as I thought it had 'too few keyboards'. hahah

But yeah I know what its liek to have bands you get all fanatic over and have all their stuff... like my Pan-Thy-Monium and Maldoror collections.

Into Glory Ride's picture

Huge Fan of the Band here aswell! One of the few serious Bands out of the "Pagan"/whatsoever Genre and truly the only Band besides old Thyrfing and perhaps Mid Era Bathory, that deserves the Term "Viking Metal"!!
Weinerhall plays truly a Style of its own.
Got the Picture Disc aswell!

Hail me as the man of steel
Hail me as the son of gods
Hail me as the king of yours
I am the chosen one!

Taravilyaion's picture

Got the CD's too, never knew that they had a picture disc as well else I would have definitely had it.

I don't like Falconer, it gets so boring so fast.

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