The premise
1993 - "Dreams of the Carrion Kind" by Disincarnate is released, an underrated but absolute masterpiece of extreme music, in my opinion. I listened to it, bought it and fell madly in love with it. Shortly after, I bought the official t-shirt, which in those years in Italy was not easy at all;
2023 - I wear that t-shirt for the last time. After decades of use, it has now become a pile of unusable rags and with extreme regret I throw it away;
2024 - I decide to buy a new one: I am willing to settle also for a good bootleg. I love that album too much and I can't do without a t-shirt that represents it, after having had the official one for 30 years.
The fact:
I search everywhere on the net for that t-shirt, even used. The best one seems to me to be the bootleg for sale here on tshirtslayer by Milton333 from Mexico. I contacted him, made arrangements and paid him on August 26th. Milton333 has disappeared since then, despite my requests for information and despite his presentation stating that he ships 2/4 days after receiving the money and that he provides the tracking number. I explicitly gave him time to prove to me that he is reliable but, despite connecting daily to this site, he never gave me an answer.
I know, it's my fault. He has no reviews as a seller here and tshirtslayer warns to be careful in these cases, but I decided to trust him because I wanted again that shirt too much. My mistake. I hope others can benefit from it.
I attach the screenshots to prove the truth of my words. In the meantime I will also write elsewhere about this gentleman, Milton333.
In private, I can provide the email address and the name that this gentleman uses to scam customers. If I don't violate the rules of I can also write them publicly without any problems. I just need to know.
Be careful with him.
Sorry for my terrible English
Thiellus on
This is really shitty. Sorry it happened to you. I’ve learned that it pays off to maintain correspondence for a few days with a person before sending any money. At the end of the day, we put our trust in others and sometimes a PoS decides to violate that trust.
MortalCoil138 on
Hoping you paid via goods and services for this
George thrash on
Did you pay g and s?
1solidsnake on
I've been in your place mate. Hope you paid him via goods and services option.
Scammers are the scums of this site.
Never ever pay via friends or family, bearing extra charges is better than having all your money scammed off.
NonameXYZ on
Hello everyone. I'm replying here but I'm speaking to everyone. Thank you for your solidarity, advice and answers. And I'm sorry for those who, like me, have been scammed.
To be honest, when I paid I was at work, so I was in a hurry and I didn't pay much attention (stupid me, I admit).
What I remember, however, is that PayPal didn't offer me any options (friends and family rather than goods and services). I simply paid.
I have already resorted to PayPal and I am waiting for a response
doctordeath on
last active 10 minutes ago
but i see he replied to other people in his PM but not to you
so yeah, shit
I added a warning to his account and linked it here
NonameXYZ on
Thank you very much!
NonameXYZ on
I was just informed by a very kind member of tshirtslayer that Mr. Milton333 also conducts his business through Facebook and Instagram.
This tshirtslayer member was scammed by Milton333 just like me.
He gave me permission to post the FB and Instagram links in this thread. I thank him so much: I think it is useful for everyone here to know how to avoid this gentleman (Milton333 of course)
Instagram: Marleno Moreno tv333
Sodomiz3d on
I've also attempted to buy off him but was left without reply so I went through PayPal and got a refund
Agrunge hippie ... on
Hey man I know it ain't a lot and all but here in my country there's this place that makes custom t shirts with a custom front and back I know it ain't a lot but if you ever consider going for a not really that lasting bootleg im here to help
Agrunge hippie ... on
just saying if you really plan to go this route
NonameXYZ on
Thank you so much for the advice. I think about it, and in case I will contact you.
Thanks again
1solidsnake on
Also user jo_infir might have a bootleg longsleeve.
He is a trusted seller here with reasonable bootleg shirt prices.
Get in touch with him if you can. He'd be more than happy to help you.
NonameXYZ on
Thank you!
ImanSain on
I've made dozens of purchases with jo_infir, in my opinion the best seller I've ever dealt with. He even offers discounts if you purchase in bulk of 3 or more and sends DHL Express when you purchase 3 or more shirts (arrives with a week) He's a wonderful friend and brother. I will always speak praises and recommend him.
Sedoosa on
i am going through this right now with another user and i am so upset. there was a pin that was limited time and only sold 150 and luckily i THOUGHT i found someone to sell it to me. i literally made an account on here just to try and find someone to sell me one. he said he wanted $20 but i sent him $30 to pay for shipping and just to be nice bc i was shocked he was gonna sell it to me especially for that price. he said sep. 11th he shipped it out the week prior and i have yet to receive it! he also quit responding to messages and has been on multiple times and i have asked for a tracking number and never got one :’) he was super nice and the communication was great the entire time until i asked for a tracking number. i paid with G and S thankfully but still. if it’s not here by friday then it’s gonna be big trouble >:(
Turdburger on
he's still mad someone stole his stapler
MaxPerv on
Classic 🤣 burn the building down
NonameXYZ on
Honestly, since I'm not a native speaker, I didn't understand the meaning of this comment: is it ironic?
Sodomiz3d on
It's a joke from the movie office space. Someone stole Milton's stapler so he burns the building down. Good movie.
NonameXYZ on
I understand. I don't know that movie. Thanks for clarifying.