TShirtSlayer Heavy Metal Merch Gallery
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Slayer Old school (mostly) metal vest

Skunkspritz's picture

wicked! Lots of good bands here!

wehavearrived49's picture

I have the exact same Kreator backpatch. Where did you get yours? Mine came from Hells Headbangers.

Big Tatty Kane's picture

Wow, really? Did they have em recently?- Mine's from Herb's Hut- Same place I got the Anthrax, Metallica, and Suicidal patches- Herbrocks@ecrater.com- They're all vintage- Check him out if you haven't already- Lots of good stuff

wehavearrived49's picture

It was a while back. I don't think they have them right now. Mine says 1990 Drakkar Promotion right below the Kreator demon head. It looks like yours says that too. Small world isn't it! Thanks for the patch info too. Cheers!

BlackMetalJesus's picture

love that early man patch

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